Can we connect to an ActiveMQ broker without providing user/password ?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss A-MQ
    • 6.x
  • Red Hat JBoss Fuse
    • 6.x


  • We have a camel route which puts messages onto an activemq queue. In order to connect to the broker within the same fabric it is necessary to use username and password.
    Is it possible to have some kind of trusted bundle and not to use user/password or at least to use an non admin user ?


  • Unfortunately there are probably not more ways except using the vm: transport inside the route. For this, you just have to make sure that your bundle and the broker are within the same Fuse Container.

  • You will just need to get the connection to the broker from a route with vm on the jms component. Given from here that it does not list a username, password it may actually bypass the authentication.

  • This means you can simply use this url to connect to the broker, vm://localhost?broker.persistent=false.

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