Migrate the Oracle WebLogic Server weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor to Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 or 7

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The weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor file describes elements that are specific to the Oracle WebLogic Server. Many of these elements map to the jboss-ejb3.xml file in the equivalent file in Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 or 7. Some elements, however, map to other descriptor files.

Map weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Elements to the jboss-ejb3.xml Descriptor

The following table maps the WebLogic XPathweblogic-ejb-jar.xml elements to the corresponding JBoss XPath jboss-ejb3.xml elements. Notice the JBoss element descriptors include the type of the bean in the XPath: entity, session, or message-driven

EJB Deployment Descriptor Element Mapping Table

WebLogic weblogic-ejb-jar.xml XPath Element JBoss jboss-ejb3.xml XPath Element

Entity Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/entity/ejb-name

Session Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/session/ejb-name

Message-Driven Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/message-driven/ejb-name


Entity Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/entity/resource-ref/res-ref

Session Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/session/resource-ref/res-ref

Message-Driven Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/message-driven/resource-ref/res-ref


Entity Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/entity/resource-env-ref/resource-env-ref-name

Session Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/session/resource-env-ref/resource-env-ref-name

Message-Driven Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/message-driven/resource-env-ref/resource-env-ref-name


Entity Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/entity/ejb-ref/ejb-ref-name

Session Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/session/ejb-ref/ejb-ref-name

Message-Driven Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/message-driven/ejb-ref/ejb-ref-name


Entity Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/entity/service-ref/service-ref-name

Session Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/session/service-ref/service-ref-name

Message-Driven Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/message-driven/service-ref/service-ref-name


Entity Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/entity/service-ref/wsdl-file

Session Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/session/service-ref/wsdl-file

Message-Driven Bean: /ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/message-driven/service-ref/wsdl-file

Map Additional weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Elements to the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Equivalent

The following section describes how to map addtional elements to the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform equivalent.

  • delay-updates-until-end-of-tx:

    This element in the webLogic-ejb-jar.xml file, which defaults to True, is used for performance reasons to delay updates to the persistent store of all beans until the end of the transaction. When set to False, updates are sent to the database after each method invocation, but are not committed until the end of the transaction. This allows other processes to access the persisted data while the transaction is waiting to be completed. In JBoss EAP, you can achieve the same behavior by specifying the <sync-on-commit-only> in the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file. For example:

     <!-- elements removed for readability -->
          <!-- elements removed for readability -->

    This feature is available in JBoss EAP 6.1 or later. For JBoss EAP 6.0.x, it is available as a patch.

  • allow-concurrent-calls:

    The <allow-concurrent-calls> element was specified in the webLogic-ejb-jar.xml file to allow concurrent access to a Stateful Session Bean. For example:


    The @AccessTimeout annotation interface, which was introduced in the Java 6 specification, is the standard way to specify container managed concurrency for stateful session beans.

    To prohibit concurrent access, set the @AccessTimeout value to zero.

    @AccessTimeout(value = 0)

    The following example shows how to specify that the container should block a new request for 2 seconds before timing out when a bean is currently processing a request.

    @AccessTimeout(value = 2, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)

    The following example shows how to tell the container to block a request to a bean indefinitely until the current request completes.

    @AccessTimeout(value =-1 )

For more information, see the Annotation Type AccessTimeout Javadoc.
