Where to put properties / configuration files so they are in the classpath for all deployments in JBoss EAP 7 / 6

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  • We are migrating from EAP 5/EAP 4 to EAP 6 and we have a lot of environment specific .properties files in the "conf" directory of our EAP 5/EAP 4 JBoss. It would be painful to change this behavior in all of our applications. Is there one place from where I'm able to get files via the classloader.
  • Where to put properties and xml configuration files that were previously in the conf directory so that applications can load the configuration files via Classloader.getResource ?
  • Unable to read the properties file from module my.conf which is placed inside the $JBOSS_HOME/modules directory and facing the below exception:
unable to find sample.properties
  • Unable to load ChartFX license into classloader. ChartFX is a third party product that works by adding the jar and its license file to the JBoss servers classpath. In JBoss 3 (and WebSphere and Welogic) we are able to do this by adding the jar and its .lic file to the EAR/lib directory. In JBoss EAP 5.1 this stopped working for the .lic file and we were forced (for lack of a better solution) to place the .lic file into the <jbeap>/server/lib directory where it was pick up as part of the classpath. This has now ceased to work and it is not possible to add a .lic file to a module.xml or the server/lib directory. How to deploy this license file in EAP 6?

  • We are migrating to JBoss EAP 6, in jboss eap 5.1 , there was a "conf" directory that was on the server's classpath that could be used to load environment specific config files, I can not see the same thing in JBoss EAP 6.4.

  • Our application has property files & loads on startup. With standalone mode, we are keeping a set on each server. In domain is there any way we can accomplish with only one location instead of keeping on both servers. ? Please advise.


  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)
    • 7.x
    • 6.x

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