Chapter 8. Validate images used for volume creation

The Block Storage Service (cinder) automatically validates the signature of any downloaded, signed image during volume from image creation. The signature is validated before the image is written to the volume.

To improve performance, you can use the Block Storage Image-Volume cache to store validated images for creating new volumes. For more information, see Configure and Enable the Image-Volume Cache in the Storage Guide.


Cinder image signature validation does not work with Red Hat Ceph Storage or RBD volumes.

8.1. Validate the image signature on a new volume

This procedure demonstrates how you can use validate a volume signature created from a signed image.

  1. Log in to a controller node.
  2. View cinder’s image validation activities in the Volume log, /var/log/containers/cinder/cinder-volume.log.

    For example, you can expect the following entry when the instance is booted:

    2018-05-24 12:48:35.256 1 INFO cinder.image.image_utils [req-7c271904-4975-4771-9d26-cbea6c0ade31 b464b2fd2a2140e9a88bbdacf67bdd8c a3db2f2beaee454182c95b646fa7331f - default default] Image signature verification succeeded for image d3396fa0-2ea2-4832-8a77-d36fa3f2ab27

Alternatively, you can use the openstack volume list and cinder volume show commands.

  1. Use the openstack volume list command to locate the volume ID.
  2. Run the cinder volume show command on a compute node:

    cinder volume show <VOLUME_ID>
  3. Locate the volume_image_metadata section with the line signature verified : True.

    $ cinder show d0db26bb-449d-4111-a59a-6fbb080bb483
    | Property                       | Value                                           |
    | attached_servers               | []                                              |
    | attachment_ids                 | []                                              |
    | availability_zone              | nova                                            |
    | bootable                       | true                                            |
    | consistencygroup_id            | None                                            |
    | created_at                     | 2018-10-12T19:04:41.000000                      |
    | description                    | None                                            |
    | encrypted                      | True                                            |
    | id                             | d0db26bb-449d-4111-a59a-6fbb080bb483            |
    | metadata                       |                                                 |
    | migration_status               | None                                            |
    | multiattach                    | False                                           |
    | name                           | None                                            |
    | os-vol-host-attr:host          | centstack.localdomain@nfs#nfs                   |
    | os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None                                            |
    | os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None                                            |
    | os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id   | 1a081dd2505547f5a8bb1a230f2295f4                |
    | replication_status             | None                                            |
    | size                           | 1                                               |
    | snapshot_id                    | None                                            |
    | source_volid                   | None                                            |
    | status                         | available                                       |
    | updated_at                     | 2018-10-12T19:05:13.000000                      |
    | user_id                        | ad9fe430b3a6416f908c79e4de3bfa98                |
    | volume_image_metadata          | checksum : f8ab98ff5e73ebab884d80c9dc9c7290     |
    |                                | container_format : bare                         |
    |                                | disk_format : qcow2                             |
    |                                | image_id : 154d4d4b-12bf-41dc-b7c4-35e5a6a3482a |
    |                                | image_name : cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk           |
    |                                | min_disk : 0                                    |
    |                                | min_ram : 0                                     |
    |                                | signature_verified : False                      |
    |                                | size : 13267968                                 |
    | volume_type                    | nfs                                             |