Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6 Service Pack 2 Release Notes

Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6

For Use with the Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6

Red Hat Customer Content Services


These release notes contain important information related to the Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6 Service Pack 2.

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Chapter 1. Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6 Service Pack 2

Welcome to the Red Hat JBoss Web Server version 5.6 Service Pack 2 release.

Red Hat JBoss Web Server is a fully integrated and certified set of components for hosting Java web applications. It consists of an application server (Apache Tomcat Servlet container) and the Tomcat Native Library.

JBoss Web Server includes the following key components:

  • Apache tomcat is a servlet container in accordance with the Java Servlet Specification. JBoss Web Server contains Apache Tomcat 9.
  • Apache tomcat native library improves Tomcat scalability, performance, and integration with native server technologies.
  • Tomcat-vault is an extension for the JBoss Web Server that is used for securely storing passwords and other sensitive information used by a JBoss Web Server.
  • Mod_cluster is a library that enables communication between Apache Tomcat and the Apache HTTP Server’s mod_proxy_cluster module. The mod_cluster library enables you to use the Apache HTTP Server as a load balancer for JBoss Web Server. For more information about configuring mod_cluster, or for information about installing configuring alternative load balancers such as mod_jk and mod_proxy, see the HTTP Connectors and Load Balancing Guide.
  • Apache portable runtime (APR) is a runtime that provides superior scalability, performance, and improved integration with native server technologies. APR is a highly portable library that is at the heart of Apache HTTP Server 2.x. It enables access to: advanced IO functionality such as sendfile, epoll and OpenSSL; functionality at the operating system level such as random number generation and system status; and native process handling such as shared memory, NT pipes and Unix sockets.
  • OpenSSL is a software library that implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols and includes a basic cryptographic library.

This release of JBoss Web Server includes an important security update.

Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6 OpenShift images based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 are no longer provided with this release. Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6 images based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 are provided with this release.

Chapter 2. New features and enhancements

Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6 Service Pack 2 does not include any new features or enhancements.

Chapter 3. Installing the Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6

You can install the JBoss Web Server 5.6 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Microsoft Windows. For more information see the following sections of the installation guide:

Chapter 4. Upgrading Red Hat JBoss Web Server using this service pack

To install this service pack:

  1. Go to the Software Downloads page for Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6.


    You require a Red Hat subscription to access the Software Downloads page.

  2. Download the Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.6 Service Pack 2 archive file that is approriate to your platform.
  3. Extract the archive file to the Red Hat JBoss Web Server installation directory.

If you have installed Red Hat JBoss Web Server from RPM packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you can use the following yum command to upgrade to the latest service pack:

# yum upgrade

Chapter 5. OS/JVM Certifications

This release is supported for use with the following operating system and Java Development Kit (JDK) versions:

Operating SystemChipset ArchitectureJava Virtual Machine

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8


Red Hat OpenJDK 1.8.x, Red Hat OpenJDK 11, Red Hat OpenJDK 17, Oracle JDK 11, Oracle JDK 17

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7


Red Hat OpenJDK 1.8.x, Red Hat OpenJDK 11, Red Hat OpenJDK 17, Oracle JDK 1.8.x, Oracle JDK 11, Oracle JDK 17, IBM JDK 1.8.x

Microsoft Windows 2019 Server


Red Hat OpenJDK 1.8.x, Red Hat OpenJDK 11, Red Hat OpenJDK 17, Oracle JDK 1.8.x, Oracle JDK 11, Oracle JDK 17

Microsoft Windows 2016 Server


Red Hat OpenJDK 1.8.x, Red Hat OpenJDK 11, Red Hat OpenJDK 17, Oracle JDK 1.8.x, Oracle JDK 11, Oracle JDK 17


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 is not supported.


Microsoft Windows 2012 Server R2 is not supported.

Chapter 6. Resolved issues

There are no resolved issues for this release.

Chapter 7. Known issues

There are no known issues for this release.

Chapter 8. Supported components

For a full list of component versions that are supported in this release of Red Hat JBoss Web Server, see the JBoss Web Server Component Details page.

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