Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

Chapter 6. Configuring Transport Security

6.1. Transport Security Configuration

By default, JBoss Data Virtualization provides two types of remote transports, each with its own SSL configuration: teiid and pg. The teiid transport encrypts login traffic only and the pg transport defaults to no SSL.


The pg transport for ODBC access defaults to cleartext username and password authentication.
The following is a more comprehensive example of SSL configuration as it would appear within the transport definition.
<ssl mode="enabled" authentication-mode="1-way" ssl-protocol="SSLv3" keymanagement-algorithm="algo"
            <keystore name="cert.keystore" password="passwd" type="JKS" key-alias="alias"/>
            <truststore name="cert.truststore" password="passwd"/>