Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

API Documentation

Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization 6.3

API reference for developers.

David Le Sage


Chapter 1. Read Me

1.1. Back Up Your Data


Red Hat recommends that you back up your system settings and data before undertaking any of the configuration tasks mentioned in this book.

1.2. Variable Name: EAP_HOME

EAP_HOME refers to the root directory of the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform installation on which JBoss Data Virtualization has been deployed.

1.3. Variable Name: MODE

MODE will either be standalone or domain depending on whether JBoss Data Virtualization is running in standalone or domain mode. Substitute one of these whenever you see MODE in a file path in this documentation. (You need to set this variable yourself, based on where the product has been installed in your directory structure.)

1.4. Red Hat Documentation Site

Red Hat’s official documentation site is available at There you will find the latest version of every book, including this one.

Chapter 2. API Documentation

2.1. Download API Documentation

Javadocs for JBoss Data Virtualization can be found on the Red Hat Customer Portal.

Procedure: Download API Documentation

  1. Go to
  2. From the Software Downloads page, when prompted for a Product, select Data Virtualization. This will present a table of files to download for the latest version of the product.
  3. Change the Version to the current release if required.
  4. Look for JBoss Data Virtualization VERSION Javadocs in the table and select Download.

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