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Chapter 8. Use a PostgreSQL Database Server with Red Hat Gluster Storage Console

You can manually configure a database server to host the Red Hat Gluster Storage Console database. It can be hosted either locally on the Red Hat Gluster Storage Console server, or remotely on another server where posgresql and postgresql-server packages are installed.
Complete these steps on the database server before running the rhsc-setup utility.

Procedure 8.1. Preparing a PostgreSQL Database Server for use with Red Hat Gluster Storage Console

  1. Initialize the database and start the postgreSQL service by running the commands:
    # service postgresql initdb
    # service postgresql start
  2. Create a postgreSQL user for the Red Hat Gluster Storage Console to use when it reads from and writes to the database, and a database to store information about the environment in. This step is required on both local and remote manually configured database servers.
    # su - postgres
    $ psql            
    postgres=# create user USER password 'PASSWORD';
    postgres=# create database DATABASE owner USER;
  3. Make sure that database can be accessed remotely by enabling client authentication. This step is required on manually configured remote database servers. Edit the /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf file, and add this line:
    host all all X.X.X.X/24 trust
    Replace X.X.X.X with the IP address of the Console server.
  4. Allow TCP/IP connections to the database. This step is required on manually configured remote database servers. Edit the /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf file, and add this line:
    port = 5432
    This example makes postgreSQL listen for connections on all interfaces. You can specify an interface by giving its IP address.This requires a restart of the postgreSQL server.
  5. Restart the postgres service. This step is required on both local and remote manually configured database servers.
    service postgresql restart

Procedure 8.2. Configuring the Manager to use a Manually Configured Local or Remote PostgreSQL Database

  1. During the Red Hat Gluster Storage Console installation using the rhsc-setup utility, you are prompted to decide where the database is located.
    Where is the database located? (Local, Remote) [Local]:
    The steps involved in manually configuring the Red Hat Gluster Storage Console to use remote and local databases are the same, except that to use a remotely hosted database, you need to provide the hostname of the remote database server, and the port it is listening on.
  2. If you are using a remote manually configured database, supply the rhsc-setup utility with the hostname of the database server and the port it is listening on.
    Database host [localhost]:
    Database port [5432]:
  3. In either case, you are prompted to confirm whether the database uses a secured connection. Provide a username and password for the newly configured database.
    Database secured connection (Yes, No) [No]: 
    Database name [engine]: 
    Database user [engine]: 
    Database password:


    Using a secured connection to the database requires you to have also manually configured secured database connections.
You have configured the Red Hat Gluster Storage Console to use a manually configured database. The rhsc-setup utility continues with the rest of the storage environment configuration.