Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux IPv6

Protocol ID: ipv6
Rules of this type should either go into the root or ipv6 chain.

Table 18.8. IPv6 protocol types

Attribute NameDatatypeDefinition
srcmacaddrMAC_ADDRMAC address of sender
srcmacmaskMAC_MASKMask applied to MAC address of sender
dstmacaddrMAC_ADDRMAC address of destination
dstmacmaskMAC_MASKMask applied to MAC address of destination
srcipaddrIP_ADDRSource IP address
srcipmaskIP_MASKMask applied to source IP address
dstipaddrIP_ADDRDestination IP address
dstipmaskIP_MASKMask applied to destination IP address
protocolUINT8, STRINGLayer 4 protocol identifier. Valid strings for protocol are: tcp, udp, udplite, esp, ah, icmpv6, sctp
scrportstartUNIT16Start of range of valid source ports; requires protocol
srcportendUINT16End of range of valid source ports; requires protocol
dstportstartUNIT16Start of range of valid destination ports; requires protocol
dstportendUNIT16End of range of valid destination ports; requires protocol
commentSTRING text string up to 256 characters