Searching entries and tuning searches

Red Hat Directory Server 12

Finding directory entries and improving search performance

Red Hat Customer Content Services


You can search for directory entries using the web console, command line, and by using the LDAP search utility. The search performance can be improved by using resource limits and can be set resource limits globally, at user level and for anonymous binds.

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Chapter 1. Finding entries using the command line (ldapsearch)

You can use the ldapsearch command-line utility to search for directory entries. This utility opens a connection to a specified server using the specified identity and credentials and locates entries based on a specified search filter. The search scope can include:

  • a single entry (-s base)
  • an entry immediate subentries (-s one)
  • an entire tree or subtree (-s sub)

The ldapsearch utility does not search for directory entries based on attributes in the distinguished name. The distinguished name is only a unique identifier for a directory entry and cannot be used as a search key. Instead, ldapsearch searches for entries based on the attribute value pairs stored in entries. If the distinguished name of an entry is, for example, uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, then a search for dc=example does not match that entry unless dc:example was explicitly added as an attribute value pair to this entry.

The ldapsearch utility returns results in the LDIF format that is defined in the RFC 2849 specification.

1.1. The ldapsearch command format

The ldapsearch command must use the following format:

# ldapsearch [-x | -Y mechanism] [options] [search_filter] [list_of_attributes]
  • -x or -Y

    Use -x (simple binds) or -Y (SASL mechanism) to configure the type of the connection.

  • options

    The ldapsearch command-line options. Specify the options before the search filter, if any are used.

  • search_filter

    An LDAP search filter. Do not specify a search filter if you configure search filters in a file using the -f option.

  • list_of_attributes

    A list of attributes separated by a space character. Specifying the list of attributes reduces the number of attributes returned in the search results. This list of attributes must appear after the search filter. If you do not specify the list of attributes, the search returns values for all attributes permitted by the access control set in the directory with the exception of operational attributes.

    If you want the search to return operational attributes, you must explicitly specify it in the ldapsearch search command. To return all operational attributes of an object use +. To retrieve regular attributes in addition to explicitly specified operational attributes, use an asterisk (*) in the list of attributes.

    Note that you might need to escape the asterisk character with a backslash (\*).

    To retrieve only a list of matching DNs, use the attribute 1.1. For example:

    # ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -p 389 -h \
        -b "dc=example,dc=com" -x "(objectclass=inetorgperson)" 1.1

1.2. Commonly used ldapsearch options

The following table lists the most commonly used ldapsearch utility options. If a specified value contains a space character, the value must be surrounded by single or double quotation marks, for example:

-b "cn=My Special Group,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"


The ldapsearch utility from OpenLDAP uses SASL connections by default. To perform a simple bind or to use TLS, use the -x argument to disable SASL and allow other connection methods.



Specifies the starting point for the search - base Distinguished Name (DN). Note that distinguished name must exist in the database. If you set the LDAP_BASEDN environment variable as a base DN, you do not need to use this option.
You must specify the option value in single or double quotation marks if the value contains a space character. For example:
-b "cn=user,ou=Product Development,dc=example,dc=com".
To search the root DSE entry, specify an empty string here, such as -b "" .


Specifies the DN used to authenticate to the server. Directory Server must recognize the DN value, and the DN must have the authority to search for the entries. For example:
-D "uid=user_name,dc=example,dc=com".
Do not specify this option if the server supports anonymous access.


Specifies an LDAP URL to connect to the server. An LDAP URL has the following format:


Specifying the port value is optional. The ldapsearch utility will then use the default LDAP port 389 or LDAPS port 636.

The utility can also use an LDAPI URL with each element separated by the HTML hex code %2F instead of a forward slash (/). For example:


For LDAPI, specify the full path to the file which represents the LDAPI socket the server is listening to. If you did not specify the URL, ldapsearch uses the localhost or the setting specified in the /etc/openldap/ldap.conf file.


Specifies the hostname or IP address of the machine with installed Directory Server. For example, -h If you did not specify a host, ldapsearch uses the localhost. Directory Server supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.


The -h option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the -H option instead.


Specifies the TCP port number used by Directory Server. For example, -p 1049. The default port number is 389.


The -p option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


Specifies the maximum time limit in seconds for a search request to complete. For example, -l 300. The time limit should not exceed the value specified in the nsslapd-timelimit attribute, because ldapsearch utility compares these two values and uses the smallest one. The default nsslapd-timelimit attribute value is 3600 seconds.

-s scope

Specifies the scope of the search. You can choose one of the following scopes:

  • sub
    Searches through the entry specified in the -b option and all of its descendants entries. This is a default setting.
  • one
    Searches through the immediate children of the entry specified in the -b option. The ldapsearch utility considers only children, not the base DN itself.
  • base
    Searches only through the entry specified in the -b option or defined by the LDAP_BASEDN environment variable.


Prompts for the password. if you did not specify the option, the ldapsearch utility uses anonymous access. Alternatively, use the -w option to pass the password to the utility.


The password can be visible in the process list for other users and is saved in the shell’s history.


Disables the default SASL connection to allow simple binds.

-Y SASL_mechanism

Sets the SASL mechanism to use for authentication. If you do not set any mechanism, ldapsearch selects the best mechanism supported by the server. If you do not use the -x option, you must specify the -Y option instead.

-z number

Sets the maximum number of entries to return in a response to a search request. This value overwrites the nsslapd-sizelimit attribute when binding using the root DN.


Specifies a file with search filters.

1.3. Using special characters

When using the ldapsearch utility, you might need to specify values with characters that have special meaning to the command-line interpreter, such as space character, asterisk (*), or backslash (\). Depending on the command-line interpreter, enclose the value that has the special character either in single (' ') or double (" ") quotation marks. For example:

-D "cn=John Smith,ou=Product Development,dc=example,dc=com"

In general, use single quotation marks (' ') to enclose values. Use double quotation marks (" ") to allow variable interpolation if there are shell variables.

Chapter 2. Finding entries using the web console

You can search for directory entries using the web console.

2.1. Finding entries using the LDAP Browser

You can use the LDAP Browser in the web console to search for entries in the Directory Server databases.

Directory Server searches for entries based on the attribute-value pairs stored in the entries, not based on the attributes used in the distinguished names (DN) of these entries. For example, if an entry has a DN of uid=user_name,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, then a search for dc=example matches the entry only when dc:example attribute exists in this entry.


  • You are logged into the Directory Server web console.
  • You have root permissions.


  1. In the web console, navigate to LDAP BrowserSearch.
  2. Expand and select the search criteria to filter entries:

    Search parameterDescription

    Search base

    Specifies the starting point of the search. It is a distinguished name (DN) that currently exists in the database.


    The Search tabs opens with pre-defined search base, when you open an entry details in the Tree View or Table View, click on the Options menu (⫶) and select Search.

    Search Scope

    Select Subtree to search entries in the whole subtree starting from the search base and including all child entries.

    Select One Level to search entries starting from the search base and including only the first level of child entries.

    Select Base to search for attribute values only in the entry specified as the search base.

    Size Limit

    Set the maximum number of entries to return from a search operation.

    Time Limit

    Set the time in seconds the search engine can look for entries.

    Show Locking

    Toggle the switch to on to see the lock status of the found entries.

    Search Attributes

    Select attributes that take part in the search. You can choose from the predefined attributes and add custom ones.

  3. Type the attribute value in the search text field and press Enter.
  4. Optional: To further refine your search, use search filters in the Filter tab to search for entries.

Directory Server records all search requests to the access log file, which you can view at MonitoringLoggingAccess Log.

Chapter 3. LDAP search filters

Search filters select specific entries that search operation returns. You can use search filters with the ldapsearch command-line utility or in the Directory Server web console.

Directory Server searches for entries based on the attribute-value pairs the entries store, not based on the attributes used in the distinguished names (DN) of these entries. For example, if an entry has the DN uid=user_name,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, then a search for dc=example matches the entry only when the attribute-value pair dc:example exists in this entry.

When using ldapsearch, you can define multiple search filters in a file with each filter on a separate line. Alternatively, you can specify a search filter directly on the command line.

A search filter has the following basic syntax:


For example, the search filter (employeeNumber>=500) has employeeNumber as the attribute, >= as the operator, and 500 as the value.

A search filter with a matching rule has the following syntax:


For example, the search filter (givenName:caseExactMatch:=Daniel) has givenName as the attribute, caseExactMatch as the matching rule, and Daniel as the value.

You can define filters that use different attributes combined together with Boolean operators.

3.1. Using attributes in LDAP search filters

A basic search looks for the presence of attributes or specific values in entries. A search can look for attributes in entries in several ways:

  • Checks if the attribute exists (presence search). A presence search uses an asterisk (*) to return every entry that has a certain attribute set, regardless of value.

    For example, "(manager=*)" filter returns every entry that has the manager attribute.

  • Matchs an exact attribute value (equality search). Equality search looks for an attribute with a specific value. For example, the "(cn=example)" filter returns all entries that contain the common name (cn) set to example.

    When an attribute has values associated with a language tag, the search returns all values. Therefore, the following two attribute values both match the "(cn=example)" filter:

    cn: example
    cn;lang-fr: example
  • Lists matches against a partial value (substring search). For example, the "(sn=*erson)" search filter returns the following values:

    sn: Derson
    sn: Anderson

    For more details about configuring the length of the substring searches, see Changing the search key length in a substring index.

3.2. Using operators in LDAP search filters

Operators in LDAP search filters set the relationship between the attribute and the given search value. When searching for people, you can use operators to set a range, to return last names within a subset of letters in the alphabet or employee numbers that come after a certain number.


When having imperfect information or searching in internationalized directories, you can use operators for phonetic and approximate searches to make the search operation more effective.

You can use the following operators in the search filters:

Search typeOperatorDescription



Returns entries with attributes which values exactly match the specified value. For example, cn=example.


=string* string

Returns entries that contain attributes with a specified substring in the value. For example, cn=exa*l. The asterisk (*) indicates zero (0) or more characters.

Greater than or equal to


Returns entries that contain attributes with values that are greater than or equal to the specified value. For example, uidNumber>=5000

Less than or equal to


Returns entries that contain attributes with values that are less than or equal to the specified value. For example, uidNumber<=5000



Returns entries that contain one or more values for the specified attribute. For example, cn=*.



Returns entries that contain the specified attribute with a value that is approximately equal to the value specified in the search filter. For example, l~=san fransico returns l=san francisco.

3.3. Using compound LDAP search filters

You can combine multiple LDAP search filter components by using Boolean operators expressed in the prefix notation as follows:


You can use the following Boolean operators:



Ampersand (&)

All specified filters must be true for the statement to be true. For example, (&(filter)(filter)(filter)…​)


Vertical bar (|)

At least one specified filter must be true for the statement to be true. For example, (|(filter)(filter)(filter)…​)


Exclamation point (!)

The specified statement must not be true for the statement to be true. Only one filter is affected by the NOT operator. For example, (!(filter))

A search operation evaluates Boolean expressions in the following order:

  • Innermost to outermost parenthetical expressions first.
  • Then the server changes the order to try to evaluate the most restrictive expression first.

Compound search filters are most useful when they are nested together into completed expressions, such as:


You can combine compound filters with other types of searches (approximate, substring, and other operators) to get detailed results. The following example filter returns all entries which have the organizational unit (ou) as Marketing and which description attribute does not contain the substring X.500:


In addition, you can expand the filter to return also entries that have a manager set to example or demo:


The following example filter returns all entries that do not represent a person:


The following filter returns all entries that do not represent a person and which common name (cn) is similar to printer3b:


3.4. Using matching rules in LDAP search filters

A matching rule specifies how Directory Server compares the value stored in the attribute with the value in the search filter. Matching rules are related to attribute syntaxes. When attribute syntaxes define the format of an attribute values, the matching rules define how that format is compared and indexed. A matching rule also defines how to generate index keys.

A matching rule is a schema element that has an object identifier (OID). All attributes in Directory Server have defined matching rules. For more information about matching rules types, see Matching rule types. By specifying a matching rule in a search filter, you can search for an attribute value with a matching rule that differs from the one defined for the attribute in the schema.

A filter with an extensible matching rule has the following syntax:



  • <attribute> is an attribute that belongs to entries that you search, such as cn, mail, name.
  • <matching_rule> is a string that contains the name or OID of the rule that you want to use for matching attribute values according to the required syntax. For example, caseExactMatch matching rule.
  • <value> is the attribute value or a relational operator plus the attribute value to search for.

The matching rule must be compatible with the syntax of the attribute that you search. You can run a case-sensitive search for an attribute that has a case-insensitive matching rule defined for it. For example, the name attribute has the predefined caseIgnoreMatch equality matching rule in the schema definition. The basic equality search with the filter (name=Daniel) retrieves entries that contain the name attribute values like DAniel, daniel, DanIel. The equality search with the matching rule filter (name:caseExactMatch:=Daniel) retrieves entries that contain the name attribute value of Daniel only.

Many matching rules defined for Directory Server relate to language codes and set internationalized collation orders. For example, the OID 2.16.840.1.113730. identifies the Finnish collation order. For the full list of supported internationalized collation orders, see Language ordering matching rules and Language substring matching rules.

3.4.1. Matching rule types

A search filter without a specified matching rule, such as (employeeNumber>=500) or (sn=*erson), uses a matching rule defined by the syntax of the attribute in its schema definition. You can define the following types of matching rules for an attribute in the schema definition:

An EQUALITY matching rule specifies how to compare two values for an equal match. For example, how to handle strings like Fred and FRED. Update operations use the EQUALITY rule to generate the index keys. Search operations with filters, such as (name=Fred), use the EQUALITY rule to compare the value in the filter with values in an entry.
An ORDERING matching rule specifies how to compare two values to determine if one value is greater or less than another value. Search filters that set a range, such as (employeeNumber>=500) or (attribute⇐value), use the ORDERING rule. An index for an attribute with an ORDERING rule orders the equality values.
A SUBSTR matching rule specifies how to compare a substring value. Substring search filters, such as (name=*ed), use the SUBSTR rule. Substring (sub) indexes use the SUBSTR rule to generate the index keys.

In addition to equality, ordering, and substring matching rules, you can specify approximate and other extensible matching rules in a search filter.


A directory requires matching rules to support searching or indexing for the corresponding search filter or index type. For example, an attribute must have an EQUALITY matching rule in order to support equality search filters and eq indexes for that attribute. An attribute must have both an ORDERING matching rule and an EQUALITY matching rule in order to support range search filters and indexed range searches.

Directory Server rejects a search operation with PROTOCOL_ERROR or UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM if the search operation uses a search filter for an attribute that has no corresponding matching rule.

Matching rules and custom attributes

For example, you want to create a custom attribute MyFirstName with IA5 String (7-bit ASCII) syntax and an EQUALITY matching rule of caseExactIA5Match in the schema definition. A search with the filter (MyFirstName=Fred) returns entries that have the MyFirstName value equal to Fred only; however, Fred, FRED, and fred are all valid IA5 String values. If you want a search to return all variants of the attribute value, you must define the MyFirstName attribute to use the equality matching rule caseIgnoreIA5Match or explicitly specify the matching rule (MyFirstName:caseIgnoreIA5Match:=Fred) in the search filter.

3.4.2. Commonly used matching rules

The following is the list of commonly used matching rules:

Matching ruleDescriptionObject identifiers (OIDs)Compatible syntaxes

Bitwise AND match

Performs bitwise AND matches.


Typically used with Integer and numeric strings. Directory Server converts numeric strings automatically to integer.

Bitwise OR match

Performs bitwise OR matches.


Typically used with Integer and numeric strings. Directory Server converts numeric strings automatically to integer.


Evaluates whether the values to match are TRUE or FALSE.



Makes a case-sensitive comparison of values.

IA5 Syntax, URI


Makes a case-sensitive comparison of values.

Directory String, Printable String, OID


Allows case-sensitive ranged searches (less than and greater than).

Directory String, Printable String, OID


Performs case-sensitive substring and index searches.

Directory String, Printable String, OID


Performs case-insensitive comparisons of values.

IA5 Syntax, URI


Performs case-insensitive searches on substrings and indexes.

IA5 Syntax, URI


Performs case-insensitive comparisons of values.

Postal address


Performs case-insensitive searches on substrings and indexes.

Postal address


Performs case-insensitive comparisons of values.

Directory String, Printable String, OID


Allows case-insensitive ranged searches (less than and greater than).

Directory String, Printable String, OID


Performs case-insensitive searches on substrings and indexes.

Directory String, Printable String, OID


Compares distinguished name values.

Distinguished name (DN)


Compares values that are in a Generalized Time format.

Generalized Time


Allows ranged searches (less than and greater than) on values that are in a Generalized Time format.

Generalized Time


Evaluates integer values.



Allows ranged searches (less than and greater than) on integer values.



Compares the given search value to a string in an attribute value.

Directory String


Compares more general numeric values.

Numeric String


Supports ranged searches (less than and greater than) on more general numeric values.

Numeric String


Compares more general numeric values.

Numeric String


Compares object identifier (OID) values.

Object Identifier (OID)


Evaluates octet string values.

Octet String


Supports ranged searches (less than and greater than) on a series of octet string values.

Octet String


Evaluates telephone number values.

Telephone Number


Performs substring and index searches on telephone number values.

Telephone Number


Compares an assertion value of the Name And Optional UID syntax to an attribute value of a syntax

Name and Optional UID


Compares the given search value to a string in an attribute value. This matching rule is case-insensitive.

Directory String

3.4.3. Language ordering matching rules

For international searches, you can use the following language ordering matching rules:

Matching ruleObject identifiers (OIDs)

English (Case Exact Ordering Match)


Albanian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Arabic (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Belorussian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Bulgarian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Catalan (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Chinese - Simplified (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Chinese - Traditional (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Croatian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Czech (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Danish (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Dutch (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Dutch - Belgian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


English - US (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


English - Canadian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


English - Irish (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Estonian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Finnish (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


French (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


French - Belgian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


French - Canadian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


French - Swiss (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


German (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


German - Austrian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


German - Swiss (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Greek (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Hebrew (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Hungarian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Icelandic (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Italian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Italian - Swiss (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Japanese (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Korean (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Latvian, Lettish (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Lithuanian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Macedonian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Norwegian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Norwegian - Bokmul (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Norwegian - Nynorsk (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Polish (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Romanian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Russian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Serbian - Cyrillic (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Serbian - Latin (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Slovak (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Slovenian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Spanish (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Swedish (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Turkish (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


Ukrainian (Case Insensitive Ordering Match)


3.4.4. Language substring matching rules

For international searches, you can use the following language substring matching rules:

Matching ruleObject identifiers (OIDs)

English (Case Exact Substring Match)


Albanian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Arabic (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Belorussian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Bulgarian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Catalan (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Chinese - Simplified (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Chinese - Traditional (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Croatian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Czech (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Danish (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Dutch (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Dutch - Belgian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


English - US (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


English - Canadian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


English - Irish (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Estonian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Finnish (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


French (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


French - Belgian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


French - Canadian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


French - Swiss (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


German (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


German - Austrian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


German - Swiss (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Greek (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Hebrew (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Hungarian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Icelandic (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Italian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Italian - Swiss (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Japanese (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Korean (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Latvian, Lettish (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Lithuanian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Macedonian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Norwegian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Norwegian - Bokmul (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Norwegian - Nynorsk (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Polish (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Romanian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Russian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Serbian - Cyrillic (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Serbian - Latin (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Slovak (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Slovenian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Spanish (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Swedish (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Turkish (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


Ukrainian (Case Insensitive Substring Match)


3.4.5. Using inchainMatch matching rule to find membership of an LDAP entry in nested groups

The inchainMatch matching rule is an extensible match for a search filter that finds membership of an LDAP entry in nested groups. Directory Server supports both object identifier (OID) 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941 and the human-readable name inchainMatch.

The use of the matching rule is limited to attributes with Distinguished Name (DN) syntax. You can perform the following searches by using the inchainMatch matching rule:

  • The search filter (member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com) finds all direct or indirect groups of which the user jdoe is a member.
  • The search filter (manager:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=uid=jsmith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com) finds all direct or indirect users whose manager is the jsmith.
  • The search filter (parentOrganization:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=ou=ExampleCom,ou=europe,dc=example,dc=com) finds all direct or indirect organizations that ExampleCom belongs to.
  • The search filter (memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=cn=Marketing,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com) finds all direct or indirect members of the Marketing group.

Note that for performance reasons you must index member, manager, parentOrganization, memberof attributes that inchainMatch uses.

Directory Server enables the inchainMatch matching rule by default via the In Chain plug-in. However, inchainMatch is expensive to compute, and only the Directory Manager has permissions to use inchainMatch by default. To grant permissions to other users, modify the access control instruction (ACI) in the oid=1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941,cn=features,cn=config entry. For more details, see Enabling the inchainMatch matching rule for a user entry. Enabling the inchainMatch matching rule for a user entry

Only the Directory Manager has permissions to use the inchainMatch matching rule by default because inchainMatch is expensive to process. To grant permissions to another user, modify the access control instruction (ACI) in the oid=1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941,cn=features,cn=config entry. The following procedure grants read and search permission to the admin user.


  • The uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com user entry exists.
  • The uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com user entry exists and belong to the cn=Marketing_Germany,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com group.
  • The cn=Marketing_Germany,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com group is the nested group of the cn=Marketing_EU,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com group.


  • Grand read and search permissions to uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com by replacing the default ACI in the oid=1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941,cn=features,cn=config entry:

    # ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -H ldap:// -x
    dn: oid=1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941,cn=features,cn=config
    changetype: modify
    replace: aci
    aci: (targetattr != "aci")(version 3.0; acl "InChain Matching Rule"; allow( read, search ) userdn = "ldap:///uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com";)

    To grand permission to several users, add these users to a group and set the groupdn as keyword in the bind rule of the ACI. For more details, see Defining group-based access.


  • Search for the groups that the user uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com belongs to under the admin user:

    $ ldapsearch -D "uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" ldap:// -W -xLL -b "dc=example,dc=com" "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com)" dn
       dn: cn=Marketing_EU,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
       dn: cn=Marketing_Germany,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com Disabling the inchainMatch matching rule

To implement the inchainMatch matching rule, Directory Server uses the In Chain plug-in that is enabled by default. If you want to disable inchainMatch, disable the In Chain plug-in by using the dsconf utility.


  1. Check if the In Chain plug-in is enabled:

    # dsconf -D "cn=Directory Manager" ldap:// plugin show 'In Chain'
    dn: cn=In Chain,cn=plugins,cn=config
    cn: In Chain
    nsslapd-pluginDescription: inchain matching rule plugin
    nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on
  2. Disable the In Chain plug-in:

    # dsconf -D "cn=Directory Manager" ldap:// plugin set --enabled off 'In Chain'
    Successfully changed the cn=In Chain,cn=plugins,cn=config

    The command disables the inchainMatch matching rule for all users.


  • Check if Directory Server disabled the In Chain plug-in:

    # dsconf -D "cn=Directory Manager" ldap:// plugin show 'In Chain'
    dn: cn=In Chain,cn=plugins,cn=config
    cn: In Chain
    nsslapd-pluginDescription: inchain matching rule plugin
    nsslapd-pluginEnabled: off

Chapter 4. LDAP search (ldapsearch) examples

The following examples provide the most common `ldapsearch`es used for searching though the directory.


  • You perform the search for all entries in the directory.
  • You configured the directory to support anonymous access for search and read operations. Therefore, you do not need to use -W and -D options in the command to supply any bind information. For more information on anonymous access, see Granting anonymous access.
  • The server uses the default port number 389. You do not need to specify it in the search request.
  • The server has the hostname.
  • You enabled TLS for the server on the port 636, the default LDAPS port number.
  • Directory Server store all data under the dc=example,dc=com suffix.

Returning all entries

The following LDAP search returns all entries in the directory:

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub -x "(objectclass=*)"

Use the (objectclass=*) search filter to return every entry in the directory. Each entry must have an object class, and the objectclass attribute is always indexed.

Specifying search filters on the command line

You can specify a search filter directly on the command by enclosing the filter in quotation marks ("filter"). If you supply the filter in the command, do not specify the -f option. For example, to specify the "cn=babs jensen", enter:

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub -x "cn=babs jensen"

Searching the Root DSE entry

The root DSE is a special entry that contains information about the directory server instance, including all of the suffixes that the local Directory Server supports. Search for this entry by supplying a search base of "", a search scope base, and the filter "objectclass=*", for example:

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -b "" -s base "objectclass=*"

Searching the schema entry

The cn=schema entry is a special entry that contains information about the directory schema, such as object classes and attribute types.

To list the content of the cn=schema entry, enter either of the following commands:

# ldapsearch -x -o ldif-wrap=no -b "cn=schema" \ '(objectClass=subSchema)' -s sub objectClasses attributeTypes matchingRules \ matchingRuleUse dITStructureRules nameForms ITContentRules ldapSyntaxes


# ldapsearch -x -o ldif-wrap=no -b "cn=schema" \ '(objectClass=subSchema)' -s sub "+"

Using LDAP_BASEDN variable

To simplify the search, you can set the search base by using the LDAP_BASEDN environment variable. You can set LDAP_BASEDN instead of using the ldapsearch command with the -b option. For more information about setting environment variables, see the documentation for the operating system.

Set LDAP_BASEDN to the directory suffix value. Because the directory suffix is equal to the root entry in the directory, all searches begin from the directory root entry.

For example, to set the LDAP_BASEDN variable to dc=example,dc=com and search for cn=babs jensen in the directory, enter:

# export LDAP_BASEDN="dc=example,dc=com"

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x "cn=babs jensen"

The command uses the default scope sub because the -s option was not supplied to specify the scope.

Displaying subsets of attributes

The ldapsearch command returns all search results in the LDIF format. By default, ldapsearch returns the entry distinguished name (DN) and all of the attributes that the user is allowed to read. You can set the directory access control to allow users to read only a subset of the attributes on any given directory entry.

Directory Server does not return operational attributes by default. To return operational attributes as a result of a search operation, explicitly specify these attributes in the search command or use the + argument to return all operational attributes. For more information, see Searching for operational attributes.

You can limit the returned attributes to a few specific attributes by specifying the required attributes on the command line after the search filter.

For example, to show the cn and sn attributes for every entry in the directory, enter:

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub -x "(objectclass=*)" sn cn 

Searching for operational attributes

Operational attributes are special attributes that Directory Server sets itself. Directory Server uses operational attributes to perform maintenance tasks, such as processing access control instructions. These attributes show specific information about the entry, such as the time this entry was initially created and the name of the user who created it.

You can use operational attributes on every entry in the directory, even if the attribute is specifically defined for the object class of the entry.

Regular ldapsearch commands do not return operational attributes. According to RFC3673, use + to return all operational attributes in a search request:

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub -x "(objectclass=*)" '+' 

To return only certain defined operational attributes, explicitly specify them in the ldapsearch request:

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub -x "(objectclass=*)" creatorsName createTimestamp modifiersName modifyTimestamp 

For the complete list of operational attributes, see Operational Attributes and Object Classes.


To return all of the regular entry attributes along with the specified operational attributes, use the special search attribute, "*", in addition to the operational attributes that you list.

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub -x "(objectclass=*)" "*" aci

Note that you must enclose the asterisk (*) in quotation marks to prevent the shell from interpreting it.

Specifying search filters by using a file

You can specify search filters in a file instead of entering them on the command line.

Specify each search filter on a separate line in the file. The ldapsearch command runs each search in the order in which it appears in the file.

For example, the file contains the following filters:


The ldapsearch command first finds all the entries with the surname set to example, then all the entries with the givenname set to user. If the search request finds an entry that matches both search criteria, then the entry is returned twice.

In the following search, the filters are specified in a file named searchdb:

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -f searchdb 

You can limit the set of returned attributes by specifying the attribute names at the end of the search line. For example, the following ldapsearch command performs both searches but returns only the DN and the givenname and sn attributes of each entry:

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -f searchdb sn givenname

Specifying DNs that contain commas in search filters

When a DN within a search filter contains a comma as part of its value, the search command must escape the comma with a backslash (\). For example, to find everyone in the Bolivia, S.A. subtree, enter:

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -s base -b "l=Bolivia\, S.A.,dc=example,dc=com" "objectclass=*"

Using the nsRole virtual attribute in the filter

In the following example, the ldapsearch command searches for DNs of all user entries that contain the nsrole attribute set to the managed_role value:

# ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -b "dc=example,dc=com" "(nsrole=cn=managed_role,dc=example,dc=com)" dn

Using a client certificate to bind to Directory Server

For more information about certificate-based authentication, see Configuring certificate-based authentication.

Searching with language matching rules

To explicitly submit a matching rule in a search filter, insert the matching rule after the attribute:


Matching rules are frequently used for searching internationalized directories. The following command searches for the department numbers after N4709 in the Swedish (2.16.840.1.113730. matching rule.

departmentNumber:2.16.840.1.113730.>= N4709

For more examples of performing internationalized searches, see Searching an Internationalized Directory.

Finding groups a user belongs to

To find all direct or indirect groups of which the user uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com is a member, enter:

# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -H ldap:// -xLL -b "dc=example,dc=com" "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com)" dn

The search with inchainMatch matching rule does not support anonymous access. For more details about using the inchainMatch matching rule, see Using inchainMatch matching rule to find the ancestry of an LDAP entry.

Finding members of a group

To find all direct or indirect members of the marketing group, enter:

# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -H ldap:// -xLL -b "dc=example,dc=com" "(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=cn=marketing,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com)" dn

The search with inchainMatch matching rule does not support anonymous access. For more details about using the inchainMatch matching rule, see Using inchainMatch matching rule to find the ancestry of an LDAP entry.

Searching for attributes with bit field values

Bitwise searches use the bitwise AND or bitwise OR matching rules to perform bitwise search operations on attributes with values that are bit fields.


Attributes with values for bit fields are not common in LDAP. Default Directory Server schemas do not use bit fields as attribute syntax. However, several LDAP syntaxes support integer-style values. You can define custom attributes to use bit field values. Applications can use custom attributes to perform bitwise operations against bit field values.

The bitwise AND matching rule (1.2.840.113556.1.4.803) checks if the bit given in the assertion value is set in the bit field attribute value. It is similar to an equality search. The following example sets userAccountControl value to the bit that represents 2:


The following example show that the userAccountControl value must have all of the bits that are set in the value 6 (bits 2 and 4):


The bitwise OR matching rule (1.2.840.113556.1.4.804) checks if any of the bits in the assertion string are represented in the attribute value. It is similar to a substring search. In this example, the UserAccountControl value must have any of the bits that are set in the bit field of 6, meaning that the attribute value can be 2, 4, or 6:


You can use bitwise searches with the Windows-Linux integration, such as using Samba file servers.

Chapter 5. Improving search performance through resource limits

Searching through every entry in a database can have a negative impact on a server performance for larger directories. In large databases, effective indexing might not sufficiently reduce the search scope to improve the performance.

You can set limits on user and client accounts to reduce the total number of entries or the total amount of time spent in an individual search. This makes searches more responsive and improves overall server performance.

5.1. Search operation limits for large directories

You can control server limits for search operations by using special operational attribute values on the client application binding to the directory. You can set the following search operation limits:

  • The Look through limit specifies how many entries you can examine for a search operation.
  • The Size limit specifies maximum number of entries the server returns to a client application in response to the search operation.
  • The Time limit specifies maximum time the server can spend processing a search operation.
  • The Idle timeout limit specifies the time when connection to the server can be idle before the connection is dropped.
  • The Range timeout limit specifies a separate look-through limit specifically for searches by using a range.

In the global server configuration, the resource limits set for the client application take precedence over the default resource limits set.


The Directory Manager receives unlimited resources by default, with the exception of range searches.

5.2. Search performance improvement with index scan limits

For large indexes, it is efficient to treat any search which matches the index as an unindexed search. The search operation has to look in the entire directory to process results rather than searching through an index that is nearly the size of a directory in addition to the directory itself.

Additional resources

5.3. Fine grained ID list size

In large databases, some queries can consume a large number of CPU and RAM resources. To improve the performance, you can set a default ID scan limit that applies to all indexes in the database by using the nsslapd-idlistscanlimit attribute. However, it is useful to either define a limit for certain indexes or use the list with no IDs defined. You can set individual settings for ID list scan limits for different types of search filters by using the nsIndexIDListScanLimit attribute.

5.4. Setting user and global resource limits by using the command line

You can set user-level resource limits, global resource limits, and limits for specific types of searches, such as simple paged and range searches, by using the command line. You can set user-level attributes on the individual entries and global configuration attributes are set in the appropriate server configuration area.

You can set the following mentioned operational attributes for each entry by using the ldapmodify command:

  • look-through

    You can specify the number of entries to examine for a search operation by using the look-through limit attribute. Setting the attribute’s value to -1 indicates that there is no limit.

    1. User-level attribute: nsLookThroughLimit
    2. Global configuration:

      1. Attribute: nsslapd-lookthroughlimit
      2. Entry: cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config

        # dsconf instance backend config set --lookthroughlimit value
  • paged look-through

    You can specify the number of entries to examine for simple paged search operations by using the paged look-through limit attribute. Setting the attribute’s value to -1 indicates that there is no limit.

    1. User-level attribute: nsPagedLookThroughLimit
    2. Global configuration:

      1. Attribute: nsslapd-pagedlookthroughlimit
      2. Entry: cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config

        # dsconf instance backend config set --pagedlookthroughlimit value
  • size

    You can specify the maximum number of entries the server returns to a client application in response to a search operation by using the size limit attribute. Setting the attribute’s value to -1 indicates that there is no limit.

    1. User-level attribute: nsSizeLimit
    2. Global configuration:

      1. Attribute: nsslapd-sizelimit
      2. Entry: cn=config

        # dsconf instance config replace nsslapd-sizelimit value

        You can add the nsSizeLimit attribute to the user’s entry and for example give it a search return size limit of 500 entries:

        # ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -p 389 -h -x
        dn: uid=user_name,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
        changetype: modify
        add: nsSizeLimit
        nsSizeLimit: 500
  • paged size

    You can specify the maximum number of entries the server returns to a client application for simple paged search operations by using the paged size limit attribute. Setting the attribute’s value to -1 indicates that there is no limit.

    1. User-level attribute: nsPagedSizeLimit
    2. Global configuration:

      1. Attribute: nsslapd-pagedsizelimit
      2. Entry: cn=config

        # dsconf instance config replace nsslapd-pagedsizelimit value
  • time

    You can specify the maximum time the server can spend processing a search operation by using the time limit attribute. Setting the attribute’s value to -1 indicates that there is no time limit.

    1. User-level attribute: nsTimeLimit
    2. Global configuration:

      1. Attribute: nsslapd-timelimit
      2. Entry: cn=config

        # dsconf instance config replace nsslapd-timelimit value
  • idle timeout

    You can specify the time in seconds for which a connection to the server can be idle before the connection is dropped by using the idle timeout attribute. Setting the attribute’s value to -1 indicates that there is no limit.

    1. User-level attribute: nsidletimeout
    2. Global configuration:

      1. Attribute: nsslapd-idletimeout
      2. Entry: cn=config

        # dsconf instance config replace nsslapd-idletimeout value
  • ID list scan

    You can specify the maximum number of entry IDs loaded from an index file for search results. If the ID list size is greater than the maximum number of IDs, the search will not use the index list, but will treat the search as an unindexed search and look through the entire database.

    1. User-level attribute: nsIDListScanLimit
    2. Global configuration:

      1. Attribute: nsslapd-idlistscanlimit
      2. Entry: cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config

        # dsconf instance backend config set --idlistscanlimit value
  • paged ID list scan

    You can specify the maximum number of entry IDs loaded from an index file for search results particularly for paged search operations by using the paged ID list scan limit.

    1. User-level attribute: nsPagedIDListScanLimit
    2. Global configuration:

      1. Attribute: nsslapd-pagedidlistscanlimit
      2. Entry: cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config

        # dsconf instance backend config set --pagedidlistscanlimit value
  • range look-through

    You can specify the numbers of entries to examine for a range search operation by using the range look-through limit. Setting the attribute’s value to -1 indicates that there is no limit.


    A range search is a search by using the greater-than, equal-to-or-greater-than, less-than, or equal-to-less-than operators.

    1. User-level attribute: not available
    2. Global configuration:

      1. Attribute: nsslapd-rangelookthroughlimit
      2. Entry: cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config

        # dsconf instance backend config set ----rangelookthroughlimit value

        You can set an access control list to prevent users from changing the setting.

Additional resources

5.5. Setting resource limits on anonymous binds

You can configure resource limits for anonymous binds by creating a template user entry that has resource limits, and then applying this template to anonymous binds, because resource limits are set on a user entry and anonymous bind does not have a user entry associated with it.


  • A template entry has been created.


  1. Set resource limits you want to apply to anonymous binds:

    # ldapadd -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -p 389 -h -x
    dn: cn=anonymous_template,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
    objectclass: nsContainer
    objectclass: top
    cn: anonymous_template
    nsSizeLimit: 250
    nsLookThroughLimit: 1000
    nsTimeLimit: 60

    For performance reasons, the template must be in the normal back end, not in the cn=config suffix that does not use an entry cache.

  2. Add the nsslapd-anonlimitsdn parameter to the server configuration, pointing to the DN of the template entry on all suppliers in a replication topology:

    # dsconf -D "cn=Directory Manager" ldap:// config replace nsslapd-anonlimitsdn="cn=anonymous_template,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"

5.6. Performance improvement for range searches

A range search (all IDs search) uses operators to set a bracket to search and return an entire subset of the entries within a directory. The range search can evaluate every entry in the directory to check if the entry is within the provided range.

For example, to search for every entry modified at or after midnight on January 1, run the following command:

# (modifyTimestamp>=20210101010101Z)

To prevent a range search from turning into an all IDs search, you can use the look-through limit. By using this limit, you can improve overall performance and speed up range search results. However, some clients or administrative users, such as Directory Manager, cannot have the look-through limit set. In this case, the range search can take several minutes to complete or can even continue indefinitely.

However, you can set a separate range look-through limit. By setting this limit, clients and administrative users can have high look-through limits and can still be able to set a reasonable limit on potentially performance-impaired range searches.

You can configure such setting by using the nsslapd-rangelookthroughlimit attribute. The default value is 5000.

To set the separate range look-through limit to 7500, run the following command:

# dsconf -D "cn=Directory Manager" ldap:// backend config set --rangelookthroughlimit 7500

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