11.10. Interoperability Between Hot Rod C++ and Hot Rod Java Client

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid provides interoperability between Hot Rod Java and Hot Rod C++ clients to access structured data. This is made possible by structuring and serializing data using Google's Protobuf format.
For example, using interoperability between languages would allow a Hot Rod C++ client to write the following Person object structured and serialized using Protobuf, and the Hot Rod Java client can read the same Person object structured as Protobuf.

Example 11.11. Using Interoperability Between Languages

package sample;
message Person {
    required int32 age = 1;
    required string name = 2;
Interoperability between C++ and Hot Rod Java Client is fully supported for primitive data types, strings, and byte arrays, as Protobuf and Protostream are not required for these types of interoperability.