C.16. RecoveryAdmin

The RecoveryAdmin component exposes tooling for handling transaction recovery.

Table C.26. Operations

Name Description Signature
forceCommit Forces the commit of an in-doubt transaction. String forceCommit(long p0)
forceCommit Forces the commit of an in-doubt transaction String forceCommit(int p0, byte[] p1, byte[] p2)
forceRollback Forces the rollback of an in-doubt transaction. String forceRollback(long p0)
forceRollback Forces the rollback of an in-doubt transaction String forceRollback(int p0, byte[] p1, byte[] p2)
forget Removes recovery info for the given transaction. String forget(long p0)
forget Removes recovery info for the given transaction. String forget(int p0, byte[] p1, byte[] p2)
showInDoubtTransactions Shows all the prepared transactions for which the originating node crashed. String showInDoubtTransactions()
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