Chapter 4. About the tools

The Migration Toolkit for Applications (MTA) provides several tools to assist you in the various stages of your migration and modernization efforts. Review the details of each tool to determine which is right for your project.

4.1. About the CLI

The CLI is a command-line tool in the Migration Toolkit for Applications that allows users to assess and prioritize migration and modernization efforts for applications. It provides numerous reports that highlight the analysis without the overhead of the other tools. The CLI includes a wide array of customization options, and allows you to finely tune the MTA analysis options or integrate with external automation tools.

For more information on using the CLI, see the MTA CLI Guide.

4.2. About the Web Console

The web console for the Migration Toolkit for Applications allows a team of users to assess and prioritize migration and modernization efforts for a large number of applications. It allows you to group applications into projects for analysis and provides numerous reports that highlight the results.

For more information on using the web console, see the MTA Web Console Guide.

4.3. About the IDE Plugin

The IDE plugin for the Migration Toolkit for Applications provides assistance directly in Eclipse and Red Hat CodeReady Studio for developers making changes for a migration or modernization effort. It analyzes your projects using MTA, marks migration issues in the source code, provides guidance to fix the issues, and offers automatic code replacement when possible.

There is an MTA extension for Visual Studio Code and Eclipse Che. The extension is only available as a Minimum Viable Product and will be fully documented and supported in a future Release of MTA. For more information about the extension, visit the Visual Studio Marketplace.

For more information on using the IDE plugin, see the MTA IDE Plugin Guide.

4.4. About the Maven Plugin

The Maven plugin for the Migration Toolkit for Applications integrates into the Maven build process, allowing developers to continuously evaluate migration and modernization efforts with each iteration of source code. It provides numerous reports that highlight the analysis results, and is designed for developers who want updates with each build.

For more information on using the Maven plugin, see the MTA Maven Plugin Guide.