Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Web Server

3.4. Starting JBoss Web Server

To start Red Hat JBoss Web Server, you must start the following:
  • Tomcat
  • Apache HTTP Server
You can start the services from the Command Prompt, or with the Computer Management tool.

Procedure 3.13. Starting JBoss Web Server from the Command Prompt

Follow this procedure to start the Apache HTTP Server and Tomcat services from the Command Prompt.
  1. Open a Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
  2. Start the Tomcat service:
    net start tomcat<VERSION>
  3. Start the Apache HTTP Server (httpd) service:
    net start Apache2.4

Procedure 3.14. Starting JBoss Web Server from the Computer Management Tool

Follow this procedure to start the Apache HTTP Server and Tomcat services from the Computer Management tool.
  1. Go to StartAdministrative ToolsServices
  2. In the Services list, right-click the name of each service (httpd and tomcat) and click Start.


Some third-party applications add libraries to the system directory in Windows. These take precedence over Tomcat libraries when looked-up. This means that if those third-party libraries have the same name as the those used by Tomcat native libraries, they are loaded instead of the libraries distributed with JBoss Web Server.
In this situation, Tomcat may not start, and does not log any error messages in the Windows Event Log, or Tomcat log files. Errors can only be seen by using catalina.bat run.
If this behavior occurs, inspect the contents of the C:\windows\System32\ directory and other PATH directories, and ensure that there are no DLLs conflicting with those delivered with JBoss Web Server. In particular, look for libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, and libssl32.dll.