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3.5.4. mod_cluster - Service Configuration Service


Table 3.2147. Overview

Description:Service Configuration
Singleton: yes

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.2148. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
Object Name  yes objectName
Name Template  yes nameTemplate
Class Name  yes className
Dependency Class Name  yes dependencyClassName
Proxy Info Property  yes proxyInfoProperty


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Configuration Properties

Table 3.2149. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
AdvertiseEnable autodiscovery of httpd servers. no advertise
Advertise Group AddressMulticast address on which to listen for advertisements. yes advertiseGroupAddress
Advertise PortMulticast port for discovery no advertisePort
Advertise InterfaceMulticast interface for discovery no advertiseInterface
Advertise Security KeySecurity key for discovery. no advertiseSecurityKey
Proxy ListComma separated list of address:port listing the httpd servers where mod_cluster is running. no proxyList
Proxy URLURL prefix to send with commands to mod_cluster. Default is no prefix. no proxyURL
Socket TimeoutConnection timeout for communication with the proxy. no socketTimeout
Excluded ContextsComma delimited list of contexts that should *not* be auto-registered with httpd. Contexts may be qualified by host using a colon, e.g. host1:context1. If no host is defined, localhost is assumed. no excludedContexts
Auto Enable ContextsToggle for context auto-enable during mod_cluster startup. no autoEnableContexts
Load Balancing GroupLoad balancing group. no loadBalancingGroup
Flush PacketsAllows controlling flusing of packets. no flushPackets
Flush WaitTime in ms to wait before flushing packets. no flushWait
PingTime in s to wait for a pong answer to a ping. no ping
SmaxMaximum time on seconds for idle connections above smax. no smax
TtlTTL no ttl
Node TimeoutNode timeout no nodeTimeout
BalancerName of the balancer no balancer
Sticky SessionEnables sticky session for the node. yes stickySession
Sticky Session RemoveRemove session when the request cannot be routed to the right node for this cluster. yes stickySessionRemove
Sticky Session ForceReturn an error when the request cannot be routed to the right node. yes stickySessionForce
Worker TimeoutTimeout to wait for an available worker (default is no wait). yes workerTimeout
Max AttemptsMaximum number of attempts to send the request to the backend server. yes maxAttempts
SslWhether to use SSL to communicate with mod_cluster. Note this has nothing to do with handling of https requests by JBoss Web yes ssl
Ssl CiphersSSL ciphers. no sslCiphers
Ssl ProtocolSSL protocol. no sslProtocol
Ssl Certificate Encoding AlgorithmCertificate encoding algorithm. no sslCertificateEncodingAlgorithm
Ssl Key StoreSSL keystore. no sslKeyStore
Ssl Key Store PasswordSSL keystore password. no sslKeyStorePassword
Ssl Key Store TypeSSL keystore type. no sslKeyStoreType
Ssl Key Store ProviderSSL keystore provider. no sslKeyStoreProvider
Ssl Trust AlgorithmTruststore algorithm. no sslTrustAlgorithm
Ssl Key AliasKey alias. no sslKeyAlias
Ssl Crl FileCertificate revocation list. no sslCrlFile
Ssl Trust Max Cert LengthTrust max certificate length. no sslTrustMaxCertLength
Ssl Trust StoreTrust store file. no sslTrustStore
Ssl Trust Store PasswordTrust store password. no sslTrustStorePassword
Ssl Trust Store TypeTrust store type. no sslTrustStoreType
Ssl Trust Store ProviderTrust store provider. no sslTrustStoreProvider


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Package Types
