Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Operations Network

3. Document History

Revision History
Revision 3.1.2-1.4002013-10-31Rüdiger Landmann
Rebuild with publican 4.0.0
Revision 3.1.2-1January 23, 2013Ella Deon Lackey
Added note for support for Java 7.
Clarified the agent RPM channels to use for a yum installation, Bugzilla 870329.
Updating agent plug-in documentation, Bugzilla 864129 and Bugzilla 882745.
Revision 3.1.1-6January 8, 2013Ella Deon Lackey
Removed incorrect reference to Java 7, Bugzilla 878369 and Bugzilla 878951.
Clarified setting up an Oracle database and setting the database name in the connection URL, Bugzilla 823963.
Corrected incorrect command for agent upgrade, Bugzilla 870369.
Revision 3.1.1-5October 3, 2012Ella Deon Lackey
Adding in new chapter for installing the agent from RPM and general restructuring of the doc.
Bug fixes as part of JBoss Operations Network 3.1.1.
Revision 3.1-0June 12, 2012Ella Deon Lackey
Initial release of JBoss Operations Network 3.1.