Red Hat Training

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4.24. Pre-processing Example

This example provides a solution to a numeric decoding issue:
<!-- A bean property binding example: -->
<jb:bean beanId="orderItem" class="org.milyn.javabean.OrderItem" createOnElement="price">
    <jb:value property="price" data="price" decoder="Double">
        <jb:decodeParam name="valuePreprocess">value.replace("_", "").replace("!", ".")</jb:decodeParam>
<!-- A direct value binding example: -->
<jb:value beanId="price" data="price" decoder="BigDecimal">
    <jb:decodeParam name="valuePreprocess">value.replace("_", "").replace("!", ".")</jb:decodeParam>
The String data value is referenced in the expression via the value variable name. (The expression can be any valid MVEL expression that operates on the value String and returns a String.)