Red Hat Training

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9.6. Transport Considerations

Although, you can find information about all JBoss Data Virtualization settings using the Management CLI (see Section 10.1, “JBoss Data Virtualization Settings”), this section provides some additional information about those settings related to transports.
JBoss Data Virtualization provides three transports by default: odbc, jdbc and embedded. Transport settings (such as those listed below) are configured for each.
Default is 0. Determines the maximum number of threads dedicated to the initial request processing. Zero indicates to use the system default of maximum available processors. Socket threads handle NIO non-blocking IO operations as well as directly servicing any operation that can run without blocking. For longer running operations, the socket threads queue works with the query engine. (The query engine has two properties that determine its thread utilization: max-threads and max-active-plans.)
All JDBC/ODBC socket operations are non-blocking, so setting the number of max-socket-threads higher than the maximum effective parallelism of the machine should not result in greater performance.
Default is 0 which will use the system default. Before adjusting input-buffer-size for any of the transports, keep in mind that each client will create a new socket connection. Increasing this value should only be done if the number of clients is constrained.
Default is 0 which will use the system default. Before adjusting output-buffer-size for any of the transports, keep in mind that each client will create a new socket connection. Increasing this value should only be done if the number of clients is constrained.
JDBC clients may need to adjust low-level transport values, in addition to SSL client connection properties via a file placed in the client application's classpath. (An example file can be found within the EAP_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/teiid/client/main/teiid-client-VERSION.jar file.)


Typical installations will not need to have any of these settings adjusted.