7.3. Importing jPDL 3.2 to BPMN2

To migrate and import a jPDL definition to BPMN2, in the Process Designer, click on the import button then scroll down and select Migrate jPDL 3.2 to BPMN2.
Image of selecting the Migrate jPDL 3.2 to BPMN2 button

Figure 7.2. Migrate jPDL 3.2 to BPMN2

In the Migrate to BPMN2 dialog box, select the process definition file and the name of the gpd file. Confirm by clicking the Migrate button.
Window displayed for migrating definition files to BPMN2.

Figure 7.3. Migrate to BPMN2 dialog box


The migration tool for jPDL 3.2 to BPMN2 is a technical preview feature, and therefore not currently supported in Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite.