2.3. 回滚一个补丁

您可以使用 patch:rollback 命令回滚安装的热修补补丁并将其恢复为预补丁行为,如下所示:


  1. 输入 patch:list 命令以获取最近安装的补丁的补丁 ID。
  2. 要回滚更新的捆绑包,请输入以下命令:

    karaf@root()> patch:rollback my-patch-x
    INFO : org.jboss.fuse.modules.patch.patch-management (2): Rolling back non-rollup patch "my-patch-x"
    removing overriden feature: hawtio-rbac/2.0.0.fuse-000117
    refreshing features
    Enter feature:info command to view the information about the feature.
    karaf@root()> feature:info hawtio-rbac
    Feature hawtio-rbac 2.0.0.fuse-000117
          Installs the hawtio RBAC enabler bundle(s)
    Feature has no configuration
    Feature has no configuration files
    Feature has no dependencies.
    Feature contains followed bundles:
    Feature has no conditionals.