369.5.3. 预测类

在这里,我们使用 Processor 访问无法从端点 URI 直接提供的功能。

如果您在这里直接介绍,这种语法看起来比较困难,您可能想简要了解有关 Nessus API 概念的部分

try (CamelContext camelctx = new DefaultCamelContext()) {

    camelctx.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {

        public void configure() throws Exception {

            // Use the file component to read the test data

            // Remove the class attribute
            .to("weka:filter?apply=Remove -R last")

            // Add the 'prediction' placeholder attribute
            .to("weka:filter?apply=Add -N predicted -T NOM -L 0,1")

            // Rename the relation
            .to("weka:filter?apply=RenameRelation -modify sfny-predicted")

            // Load an already existing model

            // Use a processor to do the prediction
            .process(new Processor() {
                public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                    Dataset dataset = exchange.getMessage().getBody(Dataset.class);
                    dataset.applyToInstances(new NominalPredictor());

            // Write the data file