6.2. Run JBoss Data Grid (Library Mode)

Use the provided instructions to run Red Hat JBoss Data Grid with Maven in Library mode.


To simplify embedding Red Hat JBoss Data Grid directly in your application, the distribution of JBoss Data Grid contains fewer, consolidated jars. For the list of supported jar files, see the Packaging Revisions in the Release Notes.
Infinispan Embedded without Querying

Add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file:

  1. Add infinispan-embedded dependency:
Infinispan Embedded with Querying

Add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file:

  1. Add infinispan-embedded-query dependency:


The Infinispan query API directly exposes the Hibernate Search and the Lucene APIs and cannot be embedded within the infinispan-embedded-query.jar file. Do not include other versions of Hibernate Search and Lucene in the same deployment as infinispan-embedded-query. This action will cause classpath conflicts and result in unexpected behavior.