3.4. Verify the Downloaded File

Procedure 3.2. Verify the Downloaded File

  1. To verify that a file downloaded from the Red Hat Customer Portal is error-free, whilst still on the portal site, go to that package's Software Details page. Here you will find MD5 and SHA256"checksum" values that you will use to check the integrity of the file.
  2. Open a terminal window and run either either the md5sum or sha256sum command, supplying the filename of the downloaded ZIP as an argument. The program will output the checksum value for the file.
  3. Compare the checksum value returned by the command to the corresponding value displayed on the Software Details page for the file.


    Microsoft Windows does not come equipped with a checksum tool. Users of that operating system will have to download a third-party product instead.

If the two checksum values are identical then the file has not been altered or corrupted and is, therefore, safe to use.

If the two checksum values are not identical, then download the file again. A difference between the checksum values means that the file has either been corrupted during download or has been modified since it was uploaded to the server. If, after several downloads, the checksum will still not successfully validate, please contact Red Hat Support for assistance.