6.6. Setting Default Gear Quotas and Sizes

This section describes how to set default gear quotas and sizes for all users.
In the /etc/openshift/broker.conf file, modify the VALID_GEAR_SIZES value to include a list of gear sizes available to create districts and applications. The DEFAULT_GEAR_SIZE value and DEFAULT_GEAR_CAPABILITIES value must be set to a size listed available. To modify gear quotas and sizes for specific users, see Section 6.7, “Setting Gear Quotas and Sizes for Specific Users”.

Table 6.2. Default Gear Quotas and Sizes

Configuration Setting Description
VALID_GEAR_SIZES Specifies a list of gear sizes that are available in the system.
DEFAULT_MAX_GEARS Specifies the default maximum number of a gears a new user is entitled to.
DEFAULT_GEAR_SIZE Specifies the default gear size when a new gear is created.
DEFAULT_GEAR_CAPABILITIES Specifies a list of gear sizes available to a new user.

Example 6.8. Setting Default Gear Quotas and Sizes

Edit the /etc/openshift/broker.conf file on the broker host and modify the following defaults as desired to set the default gear quotas and sizes:
# Comma-separated list of valid gear sizes available anywhere in the installation

# Default number of gears to assign to a new user

# Default gear size for a new gear if not otherwise specified

# Default gear sizes (comma-separated) allowed to a new user