35.3.4. Integration Testing Seam Mail


This feature is still under development.
It is very easy to integration test your Seam Mail:
public class MailTest extends SeamTest {
  public void testSimpleMessage() throws Exception {
    new FacesRequest() {

      protected void updateModelValues() throws Exception {
        setValue("#{person.firstname}", "Pete");
        setValue("#{person.lastname}", "Muir");
        setValue("#{person.address}", "test@example.com");
      protected void invokeApplication() throws Exception {
        MimeMessage renderedMessage = 
        assert renderedMessage.getAllRecipients().length == 1;
        InternetAddress to = 
          (InternetAddress) renderedMessage.getAllRecipients()[0];
        assert to.getAddress().equals("test@example.com");
Create a new FacesRequest as normal. Inside the invokeApplication hook, we render the message using getRenderedMailMessage(viewId);, which passes the viewId of he message to be rendered. The method returns the rendered message on which you can perform tests. You can also use any standard JSF life cycle method.
There is no support for rendering standard JSF components, so you cannot easily test the contents of the mail message.