Chapter 5. Deploying JBoss Cache

5.1. Standalone Use/Programatic Deployment

When used in a standalone Java program, all that needs to be done is to instantiate the cache using the CacheFactory and a Configuration instance or an XML file, as discussed in the Section 2.2, “Instantiating and Starting the Cache” and Section 3.2, “Creating a Configuration chapters.
The same techniques can be used when an application running in an application server wishes to programmatically deploy a cache rather than relying on an application server's deployment features. An example of this would be a webapp deploying a cache via a javax.servlet.ServletContextListener.
After creation, you could share your cache instance among different application components either by using an IOC container such as JBoss Microcontainer, or by binding it to JNDI, or simply holding a static reference to the cache.
If, after deploying your cache you wish to expose a management interface to it in JMX, see Section 5.4.2, “Registering the CacheJmxWrapper with the MBeanServer”.