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9.15. LDAP Connector Update Capabilities

The LDAP connector also provides an update capability. However, additional modeling requirements are imposed beyond those required for read-only access. Here is a list of these additional requirements:
  • Supports Update table property - to enable updates, each source model table must have this property set to 'true';
  • Updateable column property - to enable updates, each column in the source model table must have this property set to 'true';
  • You also need these additional columns:
    • DN - for all update types (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE), the distinguished name must be modeled as a column, setting the name in source to dn. For UPDATE and DELETE capability, the DN must be specified in the criteria clause while for INSERT, the DN must be one of the column values to be set.
    • objectClass - for INSERT, the objectclass must be modelled as a column, setting the name in source to objectClass. It must also be one of the column values to be set.
    • additional - each entry defined in the LDAP directory’s schema may also have one or more additional required columns. This is dependent on the LDAP server implementatation so consult the LDAP documentation accordingly.
Here are some sample queries:
SELECT * FROM LdapModel.People
INSERT INTO LdapModel.People (dn, sn, 
objectclass, Name) VALUES 
'Joe Young')
UPDATE LdapModel.People SET 
PhoneNumber='(314) 299-2999' WHERE 