3.2. The generic deployable bundle installation

To install Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite on Red Hat JBoss Web Server (WS) , you need to use the generic deployable package of the product.
For installation on WS, the generic deployable package contains additional transaction manager and security libraries that are not part of Red Hat JBoss WS.
Note that the generic deployable package contains the following zip archives:
  • jboss-bpms-engine.zip: supported execution engine libraries needed if you are embedding the engine into your application
  • jboss-bpms-manager.zip: the business-central.war and dashbuilder.war web applications

3.2.1. Downloading the generic deployable package

To download the generic deployable Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite package for JBoss Web Server, do the following:
  1. Go to the Red Hat Customer Portal and log in.
  2. Select DownloadsProduct Downloads.
  3. From the list of products click on Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite.
  4. From the Version drop-down menu, select version 6.0.3.
  5. In the Software Downloads section that comes up, navigate to the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 6.0.3 Deployable for all supported containers row and then click Download.

3.2.2. Installing the generic deployable package

To install the generic deployable package, you need to set up the following after you have installed the underlying platform (Red Hat JBoss WS): Setting up transaction manager for Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2.0 (Tomcat 7)

  1. Extract the generic deployable zip package you downloaded from Red Hat Customer Portal. This zip package contains two more zip files: jboss-bpms-engine.zip and jboss-bpms-manager.zip.
  2. Extract the contents of the jboss-bpms-manager.zip file to a temporary location. This zip file contains two web application archive folders: business-central.war and dashbuilder.war in exploded formats and these are now in your temporary location. Rename these folders to remove the .war extension.
    Copy both these folders directly under the $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps folder.
    You should end up with two folders in exploded format: $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/business-central and $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/dashbuilder.


    $TOMCAT_DIR stands for the home directory where your web server is located. Replace it with the actual path to your web server home directory, for example: /home/john/jboss-ews-2.0/tomcat7/
  3. Extract the jboss-bpms-engine folder from the jboss-bpms-engine.zip archive to a temporary location from where you can copy the required libraries. This folder now contains all the core BPMS libraries under the extracted folder and a lib folder.
  4. Install the transaction manager.


    Please note that the following section describes the setup of a transaction manager, Bitronix that is not officially supported by Red Hat.
    Copy the following transaction manager jar libraries from the lib folder where you just extracted the jboss-bpms-engine libraries to $TOMCAT_DIR/lib/ directory:
    • btm-VERSION.jar
    • btm-tomcat55-lifecycle-VERSION.jar
    • jta-VERSION.jar
    • slf4j-api-VERSION.jar
    • slf4j-ext-VERSION.jar
    In addition, download the following library and copy it into the $TOMCAT_DIR/lib/ folder as well:
  5. Install the driver to your database: copy the jar file with the relevant database driver to $TOMCAT_DIR/lib/.


    If using the embedded H2 database, the driver is available in business-central/WEB-INF/lib/.
  6. Create the transaction manager configuration files in $TOMCAT_DIR/conf/:
    • btm-config.properties
    • resources.properties (the resource.ds1.uniqueName defines the datasource name used in tomcat resource definition later - make a note of this value).
      Make sure to change the values in the following definitions to match your environment.

      Example 3.2. H2 datasource definition


      Example 3.3. MySQL 5.5 datasource definition


      Example 3.4. DB2 Type 4 datasource definition


      Example 3.5. Oracle datasource definition


      Example 3.6. Microsoft SQL Server datasource definition

  7. Set up the transaction manager listener in $TOMCAT_DIR/conf/server.xml to start and stop Bitronix on container startup and shutdown:
    Add the following element as the last <Listener> element into the <Server> element:
    <Listener className="bitronix.tm.integration.tomcat55.BTMLifecycleListener" />
  8. Define the btm.root system property and location where bitronix config file is placed:
    In $TOMCAT_DIR/bin/, create the setenv.sh file with the following content:
    CATALINA_OPTS="-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Dbtm.root=$CATALINA_HOME -Dbitronix.tm.configuration=$CATALINA_HOME/conf/btm-config.properties -Dorg.jbpm.designer.perspective=RuleFlow -Djbpm.tsr.jndi.lookup=java:comp/env/TransactionSynchronizationRegistry"
    The property org.jbpm.designer.perspective is set to RuleFlow to allow the default perspective for the designer to be RuleFlow rather than Full. Grant the file execute permissions if applicable.


    On Microsoft Windows systems, replace the $CATALINA_HOME value in the content of the file with the equivalent environment variable name or use the absolute path and add the values in setenv.bat file as shown here in the following example:
    set "CATALINA_OPTS=-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Dbtm.root=C:/Tomcat -Dbitronix.tm.configuration=C:/Tomcat/conf/btm-config.properties -Dorg.jbpm.designer.perspective=RuleFlow" Setting up Business Central for Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2.0 (Tomcat 7)

To set up Business Central, do the following:
  1. Set up a Valve so that the Business Central web application can load the users set up in Tomcat:
    1. Define users and roles in $TOMCAT_DIR/conf/tomcat-users.xml. Note that Business Central requires users to have the roles specified as admin and/or analyst (for more information about user and role definitions, refer to the Tomcat 7 documentation).
      The program listing below shows an example of how these two roles would be added and how a user named bpmsadmin will be assigned these roles.
        <role rolename="admin"/>
        <role rolename="analyst" />
        <user username="bpmsadmin" password="P@ssw0rd" roles="admin,analyst"/>
    2. Copy kie-tomcat-integration-VERSION.jar from $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/business-central/WEB-INF/lib/ to $TOMCAT_DIR/lib/.
    3. Copy jaxb-api-VERSION.jar from $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/business-central/WEB-INF/lib/ to $TOMCAT_DIR/lib/.
    4. In $TOMCAT_DIR/conf/server.xml, add the Tomcat Valve declaration in the relevant <host> element:
      <Valve className="org.kie.integration.tomcat.JACCValve" />
    5. In $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/business-central/WEB-INF/web.xml, uncomment entries marked with the TOMCAT-JEE-SECURITY comments.
    6. Set up the tomcat authentication source: in the $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/business-central/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/ directory, rename the following files: org.uberfire.security.auth.AuthenticationSource to org.uberfire.security.auth.AuthenticationSource-ORIGIN and org.uberfire.security.auth.AuthenticationSource-TOMCAT-JEE-SECURITY to org.uberfire.security.auth.AuthenticationSource:
      # Example command if you run this from $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps directory 
      $ mv business-central/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.uberfire.security.auth.AuthenticationSource business-central/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.uberfire.security.auth.AuthenticationSource-ORIGIN
      $ mv business-central/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.uberfire.security.auth.AuthenticationSource-TOMCAT-JEE-SECURITY business-central/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.uberfire.security.auth.AuthenticationSource
    7. In $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/business-central/WEB-INF/beans.xml, uncomment JAASUserGroupInfoProducer and comment org.jbpm.kie.services.cdi.producer.DefaultUserGroupInfoProducer (optional). The alternatives part of this file should now look like this:
          <!--    <class>org.jbpm.kie.services.cdi.producer.DefaultUserGroupInfoProducer</class> -->
          <!-- uncomment JAASUserGroupInfoProducer when using JEE security on Tomcat -->
  2. If you are using a datasource other than the default provided by the underlying H2 database, you will need to setup persistence. If you are using the default H2 database, then you can ignore the rest of the steps in this procedure.
    In this procedure, you configure a datasource with the JNDI name jdbc/myDatasource as defined in uniqueName=jdbc/jbpm in the bitronix resources.properties file earlier (for the MySQL option).
    1. In business-central/META-INF/context.xml, replace the datasource JNDI name in the <Resource> element. The uniqueName attribute refers to the resource.ds1.uniqueName property set in resources.properties:
      <Resource name="jdbc/myDatasource" uniqueName="jdbc/jbpm" auth="Container" removeAbandoned="true" factory="bitronix.tm.resource.ResourceObjectFactory" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
    2. In business-central/WEB-INF/web.xml, replace the datasource JNDI name in the <res-ref-name> element with your datasource name:
              <description>Console DS</description>
    3. Change business-central/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml.
      In this file, change the name of the hibernate dialect used for your database, if using a different database other than H2. The code below demonstrates the original database information for persistence.xml:
      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect"/>
      This information can be updated in the following manner (as demonstrated with MySQL database below):
      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect"/>


      The dialect for DB2 is org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect, for DB2 on AS/400 is org.hibernate.dialect.DB2400Dialect, for Oracle is org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect and for Microsoft SQL Server is org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect
    4. Change business-central/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml file so that BPMS process engine can use the new database.
      The code below demonstrates the original datasource information for persistence.xml:
      Change this value to the datasource defined earlier:
  3. You can now start the JBoss Web Server to login to Business Central.
    1. Run startup.sh in the $TOMCAT_HOME/bin directory.
    2. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/business-central in a web browser.
    3. Login with the correct username/password as given in the tomcat-users.xml file where you defined user roles. Setting up Dashbuilder for Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2.0 (Tomcat 7)

To set up Dashbuilder on Red Hat JBoss Web Server, do the following:
  1. Define users and roles in $TOMCAT_DIR/conf/tomcat-users.xml. Note that Dashbuilder requires users to have the role specified as admin and/or analyst. If you have already defined these users earlier for Business-Central, you don't need to define them again.
  2. Enable single sign-on between Dashbuilder and Business Central by uncommenting the following lines in $TOMCAT_DIR/conf/server.xml file:
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />
  3. As with Business Central setup, if you are using a database other than the default and integrated H2 database, you will need to setup persistence.
    In this procedure, you configure a datasource with the JNDI name jdbc/dashbuilderDS as defined in uniqueName=jdbc/jbpm in the bitronix resources.properties file:
    1. In dashbuilder/META-INF/context.xml, replace the datasource JNDI name in the <Resource> element. The uniqueName attribute refers to the resource.ds1.uniqueName property set in resources.properties:
      <Resource name="jdbc/dashbuilderDS" uniqueName="jdbc/jbpm" auth="Container" removeAbandoned="true" factory="bitronix.tm.resource.ResourceObjectFactory" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>


      Depending upon your database, you may need to define some other properties here as well. For example, in an Oracle environment, this entry may look like the following listing.
      <Resource name="jdbc/jbpm" uniqueName="jdbc/jbpm" auth="Container"  removeAbandoned="true" factory="bitronix.tm.resource.ResourceObjectFactory" type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="username" password="password"  driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:YOUR-URL:1521:YOUR-DB" maxActive="8" />
    2. In dashbuilder/WEB-INF/web.xml, add the datasource JNDI name in the <res-ref-name> element with your datasource name:
          <description>Dashboard Builder Datasource</description>
    3. In dashbuilder/META-INF/context.xml, define the transaction factory:
       <Transaction factory="bitronix.tm.BitronixUserTransactionObjectFactory"/>
    4. Update the datasource JNDI name in dashbuilder/WEB-INF/etc/hibernate.cfg.xml in the <session-factory> element:
      <property name="connection.datasource">java:/comp/env/jdbc/dashbuilderDS</property>
  4. Restart Java Web server for these changes to take effect. Once restarted, you can navigate to Dashbuilder from within Business Central or directly via: http://localhost:8080/dashbuilder.