Red Hat Training

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Chapter 7. Common Features

This chapter examines features common to resources and collections.


Throughout this guide, the elements of each resource are detailed in tables. These tables include a properties column, displaying icons depicting element properties. The meaning of these icons is shown in Table 7.1, “Element property icons”

Table 7.1. Element property icons

Property Description Icon
Required for creation These elements must be included in the client-provided representation of a resource on creation, but are not mandatory for an update of a resource.
Non-updateable These elements cannot have their value changed when updating a resource. Include these elements in a client-provided representation on update only if their values are not altered by the API user. If altered, the API reports an error.
Read-only These elements are read-only. Values for read-only elements are not created or modified.
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7.1. Representations

The API structures resource representations in the following XML document structure:
<resource id="resource_id" href="/api/collection/resource_id">
In the context of a volume, the representation appears as follows:
<gluster_volume href="/api/clusters/99408929-82cf-4dc7-a532-9d998063fa95/glustervolumes/83101900-2f12-4855-838e-36b8a9e04554" id="83101900-2f12-4855-838e-36b8a9e04554">
All resource representations contain a set of common attributes

Table 7.2. Common attributes to resource representations

Attribute Type Description Properties
id GUID Each resource in the storage infrastructure contains an id, which acts as a globally unique identifier (GUID). The GUID is the primary method of resource identification.
href string The canonical location of the resource as an absolute path.
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