Chapter 4. Migrating from Fabric8 Maven plugin to Openshift Maven plugin

The fabric8-maven-plugin has been completely removed from Fuse 7.10. We recommend that you use the openshift-maven-plugin instead for building and deploying Maven projects in Fuse on OpenShift.


Use following instructions to update your application so that it can use the openshift-maven plugin.

  1. Rename the src/main/fabric8 directories in your applications to src/main/jkube.
  2. Locate the org.jboss.redhat-fuse:fabric8-maven-plugin dependency in your project’s pom.xml and change it to org.jboss.redhat-fuse:openshift-maven-plugin. See the Sample pom.xml.
  3. Check the dependencies. For example, org.arquillian.cube:arquillian-cube-openshift, org.jboss.arquillian.junit:arquillian-junit-container, io.fabric8:kubernetes-assertions are no longer used in our examples and may no longer be needed.
  4. You can create some sample tests that can be used to reflect the API changes after the migration. For more information see the sample tests in the Spring Boot Camel quickstart.

Additional resources