9.7. Create Command

The QMF create command takes five arguments:
The type of object to be created, this can be a queue, exchange or binding.
The name of the object to be created. The name argument of a queue or exchange is a single value, for example a queue named my-queue sets the name argument to a string of that value. The name of a binding uses the pattern exchange/queue/key, for example: amq.topic/my-queue/my-key identifies a binding between my-queue and the exchange amq.topic with the binding key my-key.
The specific properties for the object to be created, value is a nested map.
The strict argument takes a boolean value that is presently ignored. This value is intended to indicate whether the command will fail if any unrecognized properties have been specified.
Optional. If specified upon first declaring an auto-delete queue, specifies a delay, in seconds, after which the deletion will take place. Note: If the queue is re-declared after becoming eligible for deletion, but before the delay expires, then the queue will be not be deleted.
The following code example uses QMF to create a queue named my-queue. In this example my-queue is configured to be auto-deleted after 10 seconds.
conn = Connection(opts.broker)
  ssn = conn.session()
  snd = ssn.sender("qmf.default.direct/broker")
  reply_to = "reply-queue; {create:always, node:{x-declare:{auto-delete:true}}}"
  rcv = ssn.receiver(reply_to)

  content = {
             "_object_id": {"_object_name": "org.apache.qpid.broker:broker:amqp-broker"},
             "_method_name": "create",
             "_arguments": {"type":"queue", "name":"my-queue", "properties":{"auto-delete":True, "qpid.auto_delete_timeout":10}}
  request = Message(reply_to=reply_to, content=content)
  request.properties["x-amqp-0-10.app-id"] = "qmf2"
  request.properties["qmf.opcode"] = "_method_request"

    response = rcv.fetch(timeout=opts.timeout)
    if response.properties['x-amqp-0-10.app-id'] == 'qmf2':
      if response.properties['qmf.opcode'] == '_method_response':
        return response.content['_arguments']
      elif response.properties['qmf.opcode'] == '_exception':
        raise Exception("Error: %s" % response.content['_values'])
      else: raise Exception("Invalid response received, unexpected opcode: %s" % m)
    else: raise Exception("Invalid response received, not a qmfv2 method: %s" % m)
  except Empty:
    print "No response received!"
  except Exception, e:
    print e
except ReceiverError, e:
  print e
except KeyboardInterrupt:
