Chapter 1. Data Grid Operator 8.3

Get version details for Data Grid Operator 8.3 and information about issues.

1.1. Data Grid Operator 8.3.7

What’s new in 8.3.7.

Disabling FIPS mode

You can disable FIPS mode in your Infinispan CR, so that any component that uses a JVM can ignore FIPS mode. This means that your Data Grid instance can run on any OpenShift cluster that has FIPS mode enabled.

Enhanced bidirectional reconciliation

Data Grid Operator 8.3.7 improves the bidirectional reconciliation mechanism, so that it includes idempotent creation and retrieval capabilities. The idempotent capability aligns bidirectional reconciliation with Kubernetes conventions.

See Resource reconciliation (Data Grid Operator)

Updated cluster view response

The Data Grid Operator 8.3.7 can now updates the status field to False when it cannot create a cache from a Cache custom resource (CR).

Validating and mutating webhooks

Data Grid Operator 8.3.7 includes validating and mutating webhooks. A webhook changes the behavior of the Kubernetes API, so that this API can immediately reject any CR with invalid specifications.

1.2. Data Grid Operator 8.3.4

What’s new in 8.3.4.

Hot Rod rolling upgrades with Data Grid Operator

From version 8.3.4 onward, you can upgrade Data Grid clusters when new versions become available without service downtime and data loss. The shutdown upgrade remains the default upgrade type. For information on how to enable Hot Rod rolling upgrades see Upgrading Data Grid clusters.


Hot Rod rolling upgrades are available as a technology preview feature. For more information, see Red Hat Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

User-defined annotations for created resources

This release introduces configurable annotations that you can use to organize and monitor Data Grid resources.

Performance improvement that avoids unnecessary iptable rules

The Data Grid Operator endpoint is now available as a headless service. Headless services avoid the creation of several iptable rules that can impact the performance of the cluster.

OpenShift route as a expose type for cross-site replication

This release lets you use OpenShift Route as a new expose type for cross-site replication. You can use an OpenShift Route to handle network traffic for backup operations between Data Grid clusters.

Data Grid Operator resource reconciliation

Data Grid Operator 8.3.4 introduces bidirectional reconciliation that enables syncing Data Grid caches with OpenShift Custom Resource (CR) definitions. Bidirectional reconciliation synchronizes your CRs with changes that you make to Data Grid resources through the Data Grid Console, command line interface (CLI), or other client application and vice versa.

To perform bidirectional reconciliation, you must have configListener enabled in the Data Grid service.

Configuration enhancements

When configuring cross-site replication, you no longer need to specify locations in the Data Grid CR. Data Grid Operator configures Data Grid services without site locations configured.

1.3. Data Grid Operator 8.3.1

What’s new in 8.3.1.

Updated OpenShift bundle for Data Grid Operator deployments

The OpenShift bundle for Data Grid Operator deployments includes images built with OpenJDK 11 to support multiple system architectures including:

  • x86 (x86_64)
  • s390x (IBM Z)
  • ppc64le (IBM Power Systems)

OpenJ9 deprecation

Any OpenJ9 images for IBM Z and IBM Power Systems will be deprecated.

For more information see Java Change in Power and Z OpenShift Images.

Enhancements to memory and CPU requests and limits

This release increases the default values for memory and CPU resources that Data Grid Operator requests from the OpenShift scheduler when creating Data Grid pods.

  • 1Gi of memory.
  • CPU requests are unbounded.

Additionally you can now allocate resources in the format of <limit>:<requests> in your Infinispan CR as follows:

    cpu: "2000m:1000m"
    memory: "2Gi:1Gi"

Readiness and liveness probes updated for better performance

Settings for the readiness and liveness probes are updated so that Data Grid clusters become available sooner.

1.4. Data Grid Operator 8.3 GA

What’s new in 8.3 GA.

Numerous improvements to the Data Grid Operator code base

The Data Grid team have invested a lot of time and effort into internal improvements to the Data Grid Operator code base to enable future enhancements.

Full support for native CLI installation and operation

To improve the installation and operation experience, Data Grid 8.3 offers full support for the native CLI as an oc client plugin. Installing the native CLI extends your oc client with the following commands:



oc infinispan install

Creates Data Grid Operator subscriptions and installs into the global namespace by default.

oc infinispan create cluster

Creates Data Grid clusters.

oc infinispan get clusters

Displays running Data Grid clusters.

oc infinispan shell

Starts an interactive remote shell session on a Data Grid cluster.

oc infinispan delete cluster

Removes Data Grid clusters.

oc infinispan uninstall

Removes Data Grid Operator installations and all managed resources.

Custom Data Grid Server configuration

You can now add Data Grid Server configuration to a ConfigMap and make it available to Data Grid Operator. Data Grid Operator can then apply the custom configuration to your Data Grid cluster.

Configurable number of relay nodes for cross-site replication

Data Grid clusters now use router pods, which are GossipRouter instances, to coordinate RELAY messages for cross-site replication. You can also configure the number of pods in each cluster that can send RELAY messages to router pods with the sites.local.maxRelayNodes field.

TLS security for cross-site connections

Add keystores, and optional trust stores, to encrypt RELAY messages and secure cross-site replication traffic between Data Grid clusters.

Cache service type deprecation

The Cache service type was designed to provide a convenient way to create a low-latency data store with minimal configuration. Additional development on the Infinispan CRD has shown that the Cache CR offers a better approach to achieving this goal, ultimately giving users more choice and less deployment overhead. For this reason, the Cache service type is planned for removal in the next version of the Infinispan CRD and is no longer under active development.

Red Hat recommends configuring the DataGrid service type for clusters. The DataGrid service type continues to benefit from new features and improved tooling to automate complex operations such as cluster upgrades and data migration.

You can create DataGrid service clusters as follows:

  • Set spec.service.type: DataGrid in your Infinispan CR.
  • Use the -Pservice.type=DataGrid argument with the native CLI plugin.

1.5. Data Grid Operator 8.3.x release information

The following table provides detailed version information for Data Grid Operator.


Data Grid Operator versions do not always directly correspond to Data Grid versions because the release schedule is different.

Data Grid Operator versionData Grid versionFeatures



Fixes security vulnerabilities.



Includes several bug fixes. For new features, see Data Grid Operator 8.3.7.



Includes several bug fixes.



Fixes security vulnerabilities.



See Data Grid Operator 8.3.4



Fixes security vulnerabilities.



Fixes security vulnerabilities.



* Updates bundle for Data Grid Operator deployments.

* Increases default memory and CPU limits.

* Adds separate settings for requests and limits to the Infinispan CRD.

* Updates readiness and liveness probes for better performance.



See Data Grid Operator 8.3 GA