Chapter 10. Updates and Enhancements in 7.3.2

10.1. Automatically Taking Sites Offline with Asynchronous Cross-Site Replication

Data Grid now applies the take-offline configuration when using Cross-Site Replication capabilities with asynchronous replication strategies.

10.2. Asynchronous Cross-Site Replication Statistics via JMX

Data Grid adds the following statistics for asynchronous cross-site replication:

  • AsyncXSiteAcksCount
  • AverageAsyncXSiteReplicationTime
  • MaximumAsyncXSiteReplicationTime
  • MinimumAsyncXSiteReplicationTime

See the JMX Components documentation for more information.

10.3. Dependency Alignment with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 7.2.1

Core module dependencies for Data Grid 7.3.2 in Server Mode align with EAP 7.2.1.

10.4. Skipping Listener Notifications

The Hot Rod client now includes a SKIP_LISTENER_NOTIFICATION flag so that client listeners do not get notified by the Data Grid server when session IDs change.

This flag resolves issues when using spring-session integration with Spring 5. If you are using spring-session with Spring 5, you should upgrade both the Data Grid server and Hot Rod client to 7.3.2.

Likewise, you must upgrade both the Data Grid server and Hot Rod client to 7.3.2 or later before you can set the SKIP_LISTENER_NOTIFICATION flag.

For more information, see Skipping Notifications in the Data Grid User Guide.