Chapter 3. Updating the overcloud

After you update the undercloud, you can update the overcloud by running the overcloud and container image preparation commands, and updating your nodes. The control plane API is fully available during a minor update.


  • You have updated the undercloud node to the latest version. For more information, see Chapter 2, Updating the undercloud.
  • If you use a local set of core templates in your stack user home directory, ensure that you update the templates and use the recommended workflow in Understanding heat templates in the Customizing your Red Hat OpenStack Platform deployment guide. You must update the local copy before you upgrade the overcloud.
  • Add the GlanceApiInternal service to your Controller role:


    This is the service for the internal instance of the Image service (glance) API to provide location data to administrators and other services that require it, such as the Block Storage service (cinder) and the Compute service (nova).


To update the overcloud, you must complete the following procedures:

3.1. Running the overcloud update preparation

To prepare the overcloud for the update process, you must run the openstack overcloud update prepare command, which updates the overcloud plan to Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 and prepares the nodes for the update.


  • If you use a Ceph subscription and have configured director to use the overcloud-minimal image for Ceph storage nodes, you must ensure that in the roles_data.yaml role definition file, the rhsm_enforce parameter is set to False.
  • If you rendered custom NIC templates, you must regenerate the templates with the updated version of the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates collection to avoid incompatibility with the overcloud version. For more information about custom NIC templates, see Defining custom network interface templates in the Installing and managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform with director guide.

For distributed compute node (edge) architectures with OVN deployments, you must complete this procedure for each stack with Compute, DistributedCompute, or DistributedComputeHCI nodes before proceeding with section Updating the ovn-controller container on all overcloud servers.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the update preparation command:

    $ openstack overcloud update prepare \
        --templates \
        --stack <stack_name> \
        -r <roles_data_file> \
        -n <network_data_file> \
        -e <environment_file> \
        -e <environment_file> \

    Include the following options relevant to your environment:

    • If the name of your overcloud stack is different to the default name overcloud, include the --stack option in the update preparation command and replace <stack_name> with the name of your stack.
    • If you use your own custom roles, use the -r option to include the custom roles (<roles_data_file>) file.
    • If you use custom networks, use the -n option to include your composable network in the (<network_data_file>) file.
    • If you deploy a high availability cluster, include the --ntp-server option in the update preparation command, or include the NtpServer parameter and value in your environment file.
    • Include any custom configuration environment files with the -e option.
  4. Wait until the update preparation process completes.

3.2. Running the container image preparation

Before you can update the overcloud, you must prepare all container image configurations that are required for your environment and pull the latest RHOSP 17.1 container images to your undercloud.

To complete the container image preparation, you must run the openstack overcloud external-update run command against tasks that have the container_image_prepare tag.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the openstack overcloud external-update run command against tasks that have the container_image_prepare tag:

    $ openstack overcloud external-update run --stack <stack_name> --tags container_image_prepare
    • If the name of your overcloud stack is different from the default stack name overcloud, set your stack name with the --stack option and replace <stack_name> with the name of your stack.

3.3. Optional: Updating the ovn-controller container on all overcloud servers

If you deployed your overcloud with the Modular Layer 2 Open Virtual Network mechanism driver (ML2/OVN), update the ovn-controller container to the latest RHOSP 17.1 version. The update occurs on every overcloud server that runs the ovn-controller container.

  • The following procedure updates the ovn-controller containers on servers that are assigned the Compute role before it updates the ovn-northd service on servers that are assigned the Controller role.
  • For distributed compute node (edge) architectures, you must complete this procedure for each stack with Compute, DistributedCompute, or DistributedComputeHCI nodes before proceeding with section Updating all Controller nodes.

    If you accidentally updated the ovn-northd service before following this procedure, you might not be able to connect to your virtual machines or create new virtual machines or virtual networks. The following procedure restores connectivity.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the openstack overcloud external-update run command against the tasks that have the ovn tag:

    $ openstack overcloud external-update run --stack <stack_name> --tags ovn
    • If the name of your overcloud stack is different from the default stack name overcloud, set your stack name with the --stack option and replace <stack_name> with the name of your stack.
  4. Wait until the ovn-controller container update completes.

3.4. Updating the container image names of Pacemaker-controlled services

If you update your system from Red Hat Openstack Platform (RHOSP) 17 to RHOSP 17.1, you must update the container image names of the Pacemaker-controlled services. You must perform this update to migrate to the new image naming schema of the Pacemaker-controlled services.

If you update your system from a version of RHOSP 17.1 to the latest version of RHOSP 17.1, you do not need to update the container image names of the pacemaker-controlled services.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the openstack overcloud external-update run command with the ha_image_update tag:

    $ openstack overcloud external-update run --stack <stack_name> --tags ha_image_update
    • If the name of your undercloud stack is different from the default stack name undercloud, set your stack name with the --stack option and replace <stack_name> with the name of your stack.

3.5. Updating all Controller nodes

Update all the Controller nodes to the latest RHOSP 17.1 version. Run the openstack overcloud update run command and include the --limit Controller option to restrict operations to the Controller nodes only. The control plane API is fully available during the minor update.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the update command:

    $ openstack overcloud update run --stack <stack_name> --limit Controller
    • If the name of your overcloud stack is different from the default stack name overcloud, set your stack name with the --stack option and replace <stack_name> with the name of your stack.
  4. Wait until the Controller node update completes.

3.6. Updating composable roles with non-Pacemaker services

Update composable roles with non-Pacemaker services to the latest RHOSP 17.1 version. Update the nodes in each composable role one at a time.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the update command:

    $ openstack overcloud update run --stack <stack_name> --limit <non_pcs_role_0>
    $ openstack overcloud update run --stack <stack_name> --limit <non_pcs_role_1>
    $ openstack overcloud update run --stack <stack_name> --limit <non_pcs_role_2>
    • If the name of your overcloud stack is different from the default stack name overcloud, set your stack name with the --stack option and replace <stack_name> with the name of your stack.
    • Replace <non_pcs_role_0>, <non_pcs_role_1>, and <non_pcs_role_2> with the names of your composable roles with non-Pacemaker services.
  4. Wait until the update completes.

3.7. Updating all Compute nodes

Update all Compute nodes to the latest RHOSP 17.1 version. To update Compute nodes, run the openstack overcloud update run command and include the --limit Compute option to restrict operations to the Compute nodes only.

Parallelization considerations

When you update a large number of Compute nodes, to improve performance, you can run multiple update tasks in the background and configure each task to update a separate group of 20 nodes. For example, if you have 80 Compute nodes in your deployment, you can run the following commands to update the Compute nodes in parallel:

$ openstack overcloud update run -y --limit 'Compute[0:19]' > update-compute-0-19.log 2>&1 &
$ openstack overcloud update run -y --limit 'Compute[20:39]' > update-compute-20-39.log 2>&1 &
$ openstack overcloud update run -y --limit 'Compute[40:59]' > update-compute-40-59.log 2>&1 &
$ openstack overcloud update run -y --limit 'Compute[60:79]' > update-compute-60-79.log 2>&1 &

This method of partitioning the nodes space is random and you do not have control over which nodes are updated. The selection of nodes is based on the inventory file that you generate when you run the tripleo-ansible-inventory command.

To update specific Compute nodes, list the nodes that you want to update in a batch separated by a comma:

$ openstack overcloud update run --limit <Compute0>,<Compute1>,<Compute2>,<Compute3>


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the update command:

    $ openstack overcloud update run --stack <stack_name> --limit Compute
    • If the name of your overcloud stack is different from the default stack name overcloud, set your stack name with the --stack option and replace <stack_name> with the name of your stack.
  4. Wait until the Compute node update completes.

3.8. Updating all HCI Compute nodes

Update the Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) Compute nodes to the latest RHOSP 17.1 version.


  • On a Ceph Monitor or Controller node that is running the ceph-mon service, check that the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster status is healthy and the pg status is active+clean:

    $ sudo cephadm -- shell ceph status

    If the Ceph cluster is healthy, it returns a status of HEALTH_OK.

    If the Ceph cluster status is unhealthy, it returns a status of HEALTH_WARN or HEALTH_ERR. For troubleshooting guidance, see the Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 Troubleshooting Guide or the Red Hat Ceph Storage 6 Troubleshooting Guide


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the update command:

    $ openstack overcloud update run --stack <stack_name> --limit ComputeHCI
    • If the name of your overcloud stack is different from the default stack name overcloud, set your stack name with the --stack option and replace <stack_name> with the name of your stack.
  4. Wait until the node update completes.

3.9. Updating all DistributedComputeHCI nodes

Update roles specific to distributed compute node architecture. When you upgrade distributed compute nodes, update DistributedComputeHCI nodes first, and then update DistributedComputeHCIScaleOut nodes.


  • On a Ceph Monitor or Controller node that is running the ceph-mon service, check that the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster status is healthy and the pg status is active+clean:

    $ sudo cephadm -- shell ceph status

    If the Ceph cluster is healthy, it returns a status of HEALTH_OK.

    If the Ceph cluster status is unhealthy, it returns a status of HEALTH_WARN or HEALTH_ERR. For troubleshooting guidance, see the Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 Troubleshooting Guide or Red Hat Ceph Storage 6 Troubleshooting Guide.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the update command:

    $ openstack overcloud update run --stack <stack_name> --limit DistributedComputeHCI
    • If the name of your overcloud stack is different from the default stack name overcloud, set your stack name with the --stack option and replace <stack_name> with the name of your stack.
  4. Wait until the DistributedComputeHCI node update completes.
  5. Use the same process to update DistributedComputeHCIScaleOut nodes.

3.10. Updating all Ceph Storage nodes

Update the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes to the latest RHOSP 17.1 version.


RHOSP 17.1 is supported on RHEL 9.2. However, hosts that are mapped to the Ceph Storage role update to the latest major RHEL release. For more information, see Red Hat Ceph Storage: Supported configurations.


  • On a Ceph Monitor or Controller node that is running the ceph-mon service, check that the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster status is healthy and the pg status is active+clean:

    $ sudo cephadm -- shell ceph status

    If the Ceph cluster is healthy, it returns a status of HEALTH_OK.

    If the Ceph cluster status is unhealthy, it returns a status of HEALTH_WARN or HEALTH_ERR. For troubleshooting guidance, see the Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 Troubleshooting Guide or the Red Hat Ceph Storage 6 Troubleshooting Guide.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the update command:

    $ openstack overcloud update run --stack  <stack_name> --limit CephStorage
    • If the name of your overcloud stack is different from the default stack name overcloud, set your stack name with the --stack option and replace <stack_name> with the name of your stack.
  4. Wait until the node update completes.

3.11. Updating the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster

Update the director-deployed Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster to the latest version that is compatible with Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 by using the cephadm command.

Update your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster if one of the following scenarios applies to your environment:

  • If you upgraded from RHOSP 16.2 to RHOSP 17.1, you run Red Hat Ceph Storage 5, and you are updating to a newer version of Red Hat Ceph Storage 5.
  • If you newly deployed RHOSP 17.1, you run Red Hat Ceph Storage 6, and you are updating to a newer version of Red Hat Ceph Storage 6.



  1. Log in to a Controller node.
  2. Check the health of the cluster:

    $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph health

    If the Ceph Storage cluster is healthy, the command returns a result of HEALTH_OK. If the command returns a different result, review the status of the cluster and contact Red Hat support before continuing the update. For more information, see Upgrade a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster using cephadm in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Upgrade Guide or Upgrade a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster using cephadm in the Red Hat Ceph Storage 6 Upgrade Guide.

  3. Optional: Check which images should be included in the Ceph Storage cluster update:

    $ openstack tripleo container image list -f value |  awk -F '//' '/ceph/ {print $2}'
  4. Update the cluster to the latest Red Hat Ceph Storage version:

    $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch upgrade start --image <image_name>: <version>
    • Replace <image_name> with the name of the Ceph Storage cluster image.
    • Replace <version> with the target version to which you are updating the Ceph Storage cluster.
  5. Wait until the Ceph Storage container update completes. To monitor the status of the update, run the following command:

     sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch upgrade status

3.12. Performing online database updates

Some overcloud components require an online update or migration of their databases tables. To perform online database updates, run the openstack overcloud external-update run command against tasks that have the online_upgrade tag.

Online database updates apply to the following components:

  • OpenStack Block Storage (cinder)
  • OpenStack Compute (nova)


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the openstack overcloud external-update run command against tasks that use the online_upgrade tag:

    $ openstack overcloud external-update run --stack <stack_name> --tags online_upgrade

3.13. Re-enabling fencing in the overcloud

Before you updated the overcloud, you disabled fencing in Disabling fencing in the overcloud. After you update the overcloud, re-enable fencing to protect your data if a node fails.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Log in to a Controller node and run the Pacemaker command to re-enable fencing:

    $ ssh tripleo-admin@<controller_ip> "sudo pcs property set stonith-enabled=true"
    • Replace <controller_ip> with the IP address of a Controller node. You can find the IP addresses of your Controller nodes with the openstack server list command.
  4. In the fencing.yaml environment file, set the EnableFencing parameter to true.