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Chapter 12. Networking (neutron) Parameters



Remove configuration that is not generated by the director. Used to avoid configuration remnants after upgrades. The default value is: False


Comma-separated list of extensions enabled for the Neutron agents. The default value is: qos


Allow automatic l3-agent failover. The default value is: True


The logical to physical bridge mappings to use. The default (datacentre:br-ex) maps br-ex (the external bridge on hosts) to a physical name datacentre, which provider networks can use (for example, the default floating network). If changing this, either use different post-install network scripts or be sure to keep datacentre as a mapping network name.


The core plugin for networking. The value should be the entrypoint to be loaded from neutron.core_plugins namespace. The default value is: ml2


List of servers to use as dnsmasq forwarders.


The number of DHCP agents to schedule per network. The default value is: 0


Enable ARP responder feature in the OVS Agent. The default value is: False


Enable Distributed Virtual Router. The default value is: False


If True, DHCP always provides metadata route to VM. The default value is: False


If True, DHCP allows metadata support on isolated networks. The default value is: False


Enable/disable the L2 population feature in the Neutron agents. The default value is: False


If True, DHCP provides metadata network. Requires either NeutronEnableIsolatedMetadata or NeutronEnableForceMetadata parameters to also be True. The default value is: False


Name of bridge used for external network traffic. Usually L2 agent handles port wiring into external bridge, and hence the parameter should be unset.


Sets the flat network name to configure in plugins. The default value is: datacentre


MTU of the underlying physical network. OpenStack Networking (neutron) uses this value to calculate MTU for all virtual network components. For flat and VLAN networks, OpenStack Networking uses this value without modification. For overlay networks such as VXLAN, OpenStack Networking automatically subtracts the overlay protocol overhead from this value. The default value is: 1500


Agent mode for L3 agent. Must be legacy or dvr_snat. The default value is: legacy


The mechanism drivers for the tenant network. The default value is: openvswitch


Shared secret to prevent spoofing.


The tenant network type. The default value is: vxlan


The Neutron ML2 and Open vSwitch VLAN mapping range to support. Defaults to permitting any VLAN on the datacentre physical network (See NeutronBridgeMappings). The default value is: datacentre:1:1000


Configure the classname of the firewall driver to use for implementing security groups. Possible values depend on system configuration. Some examples are: noop, openvswitch, iptables_hybrid. The default value of an empty string results in a default supported configuration.


The password for the OpenStack Networking (neutron) service and database account.


Comma-separated list of enabled extension plugins. The default value is: qos,port_security


Comma-separated list of service plugin entrypoints. The default value is: router,qos,trunk


Comma-separated list of <tun_min>:<tun_max> tuples enumerating ranges of GRE tunnel IDs that are available for tenant network allocation. The default value is: ['1:4094']


The tunnel types for the tenant network. The default value is: vxlan


Comma-separated list of network type driver entrypoints to be loaded. The default value is: vxlan,vlan,flat,gre


Comma-separated list of <vni_min>:<vni_max> tuples enumerating ranges of VXLAN VNI IDs that are available for tenant network allocation. The default value is: ['1:4094']


Sets the number of API and RPC workers for the OpenStack Networking service. The default value is equal to the number of CPU cores on the node. Note that more workers creates a larger number of processes on systems, which results in excess memory consumption. It is recommended to choose a suitable non-default value on systems with high CPU core counts.