Chapter 7. Bucket policies in the Multicloud Object Gateway

OpenShift Data Foundation supports AWS S3 bucket policies. Bucket policies allow you to grant users access permissions for buckets and the objects in them.

7.1. About bucket policies

Bucket policies are an access policy option available for you to grant permission to your AWS S3 buckets and objects. Bucket policies use JSON-based access policy language. For more information about access policy language, see AWS Access Policy Language Overview.

7.2. Using bucket policies



To use bucket policies in the MCG:

  1. Create the bucket policy in JSON format. See the following example:

        "Version": "NewVersion",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "Example",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": [
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [

    There are many available elements for bucket policies with regard to access permissions.

    For details on these elements and examples of how they can be used to control the access permissions, see AWS Access Policy Language Overview.

    For more examples of bucket policies, see AWS Bucket Policy Examples.

    Instructions for creating S3 users can be found in Section 7.3, “Creating an AWS S3 user in the Multicloud Object Gateway”.

  2. Using AWS S3 client, use the put-bucket-policy command to apply the bucket policy to your S3 bucket:

    # aws --endpoint ENDPOINT --no-verify-ssl s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket MyBucket --policy BucketPolicy
    1. Replace ENDPOINT with the S3 endpoint.
    2. Replace MyBucket with the bucket to set the policy on.
    3. Replace BucketPolicy with the bucket policy JSON file.
    4. Add --no-verify-ssl if you are using the default self signed certificates.

      For example:

      # aws --endpoint --no-verify-ssl s3api put-bucket-policy -bucket MyBucket --policy file://BucketPolicy

      For more information on the put-bucket-policy command, see the AWS CLI Command Reference for put-bucket-policy.


      The principal element specifies the user that is allowed or denied access to a resource, such as a bucket. Currently, Only NooBaa accounts can be used as principals. In the case of object bucket claims, NooBaa automatically create an account obc-account.<generated bucket name>


      Bucket policy conditions are not supported.

7.3. Creating an AWS S3 user in the Multicloud Object Gateway



  1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click StorageOpenShift Data Foundation.
  2. In the Status card, click Storage System and click the storage system link from the pop up that appears.
  3. In the Object tab, click the Multicloud Object Gateway link.
  4. Under the Accounts tab, click Create Account.

    MCG accounts create account button
  5. Select S3 Access Only, provide the Account Name, for example, Click Next.

    MCG create account s3 user
  6. Select S3 default placement, for example, noobaa-default-backing-store. Select Buckets Permissions. A specific bucket or all buckets can be selected. Click Create.

    MCG create account s3 user2