Red Hat Training

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16.3. Search Transformation SQL

The Teiid Designer provides a search capability to string values present in transformation SQL text.
To search for string values in your transformations SQL:
  1. Click Search > Transformations... action on the Teiid Designer main menu which opens the Search Transformations dialog.
  2. Specify a string segment in the Find: field and specify/change your case sensitive preference.
  3. Select Perform Search button. Any transformation object containing SQL text which contains occurrences of your string will be displayed in the results section.
You can select individual objects and view the SQL. If a table or view supports updates and there is insert, update or delete SQL present, you can expand the object and select the individual SQL type as shown below.
If you wish to view the selected object and its SQL in a Model Editor, you can click the Edit button. An editor will be opened if not already open. If an editor is open its tab will be selected. In addition, the Transformation Editor will be opened and you can perform Find/Replace (Ctrl-F) actions to highlight your original searched text string and edit your SQL if you wish.