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Chapter 3. Project deployment without Decision Central

As an alternative to developing and deploying projects in the Decision Central interface, you can use independent Maven projects or your own Java applications to develop Red Hat Decision Manager projects and deploy them in KIE containers (deployment units) to a configured Decision Server. You can then use the Decision Server REST API to start, stop, or remove the KIE containers that contain the services and their project versions that you have built and deployed. This flexibility enables you to continue to use your existing application work flow to develop business assets using Red Hat Decision Manager features.

Projects in Decision Central are packaged automatically when you build and deploy the projects. For projects outside of Decision Central, such as independent Maven projects or projects within a Java application, you must configure the KIE module descriptor settings in an appended kmodule.xml file or directly in your Java application in order to build and deploy the projects.

3.1. Configuring a KIE module descriptor file

A KIE module is a Maven project or module with an additional metadata file META-INF/kmodule.xml. All Red Hat Decision Manager projects require a kmodule.xml file in order to be properly packaged and deployed. This kmodule.xml file is a KIE module descriptor that defines the KIE base and KIE session configurations for the assets in a project. A KIE base is a repository that contains all rules and other business assets in Red Hat Decision Manager but does not contain any runtime data. A KIE session stores and executes runtime data and is created from a KIE base or directly from a KIE container if you have defined the KIE session in the kmodule.xml file.

If you create projects outside of Decision Central, such as independent Maven projects or projects within a Java application, you must configure the KIE module descriptor settings in an appended kmodule.xml file or directly in your Java application in order to build and deploy the projects.


  1. In the ~/resources/META-INF directory of your project, create a kmodule.xml metadata file with at least the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <kmodule xmlns="">

    This empty kmodule.xml file is sufficient to produce a single default KIE base that includes all files found under your project resources path. The default KIE base also includes a single default KIE session that is triggered when you create a KIE container in your application at build time.

    The following example is a more advanced kmodule.xml file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <kmodule xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
          <property key="drools.evaluator.supersetOf" value="org.mycompany.SupersetOfEvaluatorDefinition"/>
      <kbase name="KBase1" default="true" eventProcessingMode="cloud" equalsBehavior="equality" declarativeAgenda="enabled" packages="org.domain.pkg1">
        <ksession name="KSession1_1" type="stateful" default="true" />
        <ksession name="KSession1_2" type="stateful" default="true" beliefSystem="jtms" />
      <kbase name="KBase2" default="false" eventProcessingMode="stream" equalsBehavior="equality" declarativeAgenda="enabled" packages="org.domain.pkg2, org.domain.pkg3" includes="KBase1">
        <ksession name="KSession2_1" type="stateless" default="true" clockType="realtime">
          <fileLogger file="debugInfo" threaded="true" interval="10" />
            <workItemHandler name="name" type="new org.domain.WorkItemHandler()" />
            <ruleRuntimeEventListener type="org.domain.RuleRuntimeListener" />
            <agendaEventListener type="org.domain.FirstAgendaListener" />
            <agendaEventListener type="org.domain.SecondAgendaListener" />
            <processEventListener type="org.domain.ProcessListener" />

    This example defines two KIE bases. Specific packages of rule assets are included with both KIE bases. When you specify packages in this way, you must organize your rule files in a folder structure that reflects the specified packages. Two KIE sessions are instantiated from the KBase1 KIE base, and one KIE session from KBase2. The KIE session from KBase2 is a stateless KIE session, which means that data from a previous invocation of the KIE session (the previous session state) is discarded between session invocations. That KIE session also specifies a file (or a console) logger, a WorkItemHandler, and listeners of the three supported types shown: ruleRuntimeEventListener, agendaEventListener and processEventListener. The <configuration> element defines optional properties that you can use to further customize your kmodule.xml file.

    As an alternative to manually appending a kmodule.xml file to your project, you can use a KieModuleModel instance within your Java application to programatically create a kmodule.xml file that defines the KIE base and a KIE session, and then add all resources in your project to the KIE virtual file system KieFileSystem.

    Creating kmodule.xml programmatically and adding it to KieFileSystem

    import org.kie.api.KieServices;
    import org.kie.api.builder.model.KieModuleModel;
    import org.kie.api.builder.model.KieBaseModel;
    import org.kie.api.builder.model.KieSessionModel;
    import org.kie.api.builder.KieFileSystem;
    KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get();
    KieModuleModel kieModuleModel = kieServices.newKieModuleModel();
    KieBaseModel kieBaseModel1 = kieModuleModel.newKieBaseModel("KBase1")
    KieSessionModel ksessionModel1 = kieBaseModel1.newKieSessionModel("KSession1_1")
    KieFileSystem kfs = kieServices.newKieFileSystem();

  2. After you configure the kmodule.xml file either manually or programmatically in your project, retrieve the KIE bases and KIE sessions from the KIE container to verify the configurations:

    KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get();
    KieContainer kContainer = kieServices.getKieClasspathContainer();
    KieBase kBase1 = kContainer.getKieBase("KBase1");
    KieSession kieSession1 = kContainer.newKieSession("KSession1_1"),
        kieSession2 = kContainer.newKieSession("KSession1_2");
    KieBase kBase2 = kContainer.getKieBase("KBase2");
    StatelessKieSession kieSession3 = kContainer.newStatelessKieSession("KSession2_1");

    If KieBase or KieSession have been configured as default="true" in the kmodule.xml file, as in the previous kmodule.xml example, you can retrieve them from the KIE container without passing any names:

    KieContainer kContainer = ...
    KieBase kBase1 = kContainer.getKieBase();
    KieSession kieSession1 = kContainer.newKieSession(),
        kieSession2 = kContainer.newKieSession();
    KieBase kBase2 = kContainer.getKieBase();
    StatelessKieSession kieSession3 = kContainer.newStatelessKieSession();

For more information about the kmodule.xml file, download the Red Hat Decision Manager [VERSION] Source Distribution ZIP file from the Red Hat Customer Portal and see the kmodule.xsd XML schema located at $FILE_HOME/rhdm-$VERSION-sources/kie-api-parent-$VERSION/kie-api/src/main/resources/org/kie/api/.


KieBase or KiePackage serialization is not supported in Red Hat Decision Manager 7.1. For more information, see Is serialization of kbase/package supported in BRMS 6/BPM Suite 6/RHDM 7?.

3.1.1. KIE module configuration properties

The optional <configuration> element in the KIE module descriptor file (kmodule.xml) of your project defines property key and value pairs that you can use to further customize your kmodule.xml file.

Example configuration property in a kmodule.xml file

    <property key="drools.dialect.default" value="java"/>

The following are the <configuration> property keys and values supported in the KIE module descriptor file (kmodule.xml) for your project:


Sets the default Drools dialect.

Supported values: java, mvel

<property key="drools.dialect.default"

Links a class that implements an accumulate function to a specified function name, which allows you to add custom accumulate functions into the decision engine.

<property key="drools.accumulate.function.hyperMax"

Links a class that implements an evaluator definition to a specified evaluator name so that you can add custom evaluators into the decision engine. An evaluator is similar to a custom operator.

<property key="drools.evaluator.soundslike"

Sets a path to the Red Hat Decision Manager dump/log directory.

<property key="drools.dump.dir"

Sets a default package for the business assets in your project.

<property key="drools.defaultPackageName"

Sets the String escape function. If this property is set to false, the \n character will not be interpreted as the newline character.

Supported values: true (default), false

<property key="drools.parser.processStringEscapes"

Sets a severity for instances of duplicate rules, processes, or functions reported when a KIE base is built. For example, if you set duplicateRule to ERROR, then an error is generated for any duplicated rules detected when the KIE base is built.

Supported key suffixes: duplicateRule, duplicateProcess, duplicateFunction

Supported values: INFO, WARNING, ERROR

<property key="drools.kbuilder.severity.duplicateRule"

Sets the property reactivity of the decision engine.


<property key="drools.propertySpecific"

Sets the DRL language level.

Supported values: DRL5, DRL6, DRL6_STRICT (default)

<property key="drools.lang.level"

3.1.2. KIE base attributes supported in KIE modules

A KIE base is a repository that you define in the KIE module descriptor file (kmodule.xml) for your project and contains all rules and other business assets in Red Hat Decision Manager. When you define KIE bases in the kmodule.xml file, you can specify certain attributes and values to further customize your KIE base configuration.

Example KIE base configuration in a kmodule.xml file

  <kbase name="KBase2" default="false" eventProcessingMode="stream" equalsBehavior="equality" declarativeAgenda="enabled" packages="org.domain.pkg2, org.domain.pkg3" includes="KBase1">

The following are the kbase attributes and values supported in the KIE module descriptor file (kmodule.xml) for your project:

Table 3.1. KIE base attributes supported in KIE modules

AttributeSupported valuesDescription


Any name

Defines the name that retrieves KieBase from KieContainer. This attribute is mandatory.


Comma-separated list of other KIE base objects in the KIE module

Defines other KIE base objects and artifacts to be included in this KIE base. A KIE base can be contained in multiple KIE modules if you declare it as a dependency in the pom.xml file of the modules.


Comma-separated list of packages to include in the KIE base

Default: all

Defines packages of artifacts (such as rules and processes) to be included in this KIE base. By default, all artifacts in the ~/resources directory are included into a KIE base. This attribute enables you to limit the number of compiled artifacts. Only the packages belonging to the list specified in this attribute are compiled.


true, false

Default: false

Determines whether a KIE base is the default KIE base for a module so that it can be created from the KIE container without passing any name. Each module can have only one default KIE base.


identity, equality

Default: identity

Defines the behavior of Red Hat Decision Manager when a new fact is inserted into the working memory. If set to identity, a new FactHandle is always created unless the same object is already present in the working memory. If set to equality, a new FactHandle is created only if the newly inserted object is not equal, according to its equals() method, to an existing fact.


cloud, stream

Default: cloud

Determines how events are processed in the KIE base. If this property is set to cloud, the KIE base treats events as normal facts. If this property is set to stream, temporal reasoning on events is allowed.


disabled, enabled

Default: disabled

Determines whether the declarative agenda is enabled or not.

3.1.3. KIE session attributes supported in KIE modules

A KIE session stores and executes runtime data and is created from a KIE base or directly from a KIE container if you have defined the KIE session in the KIE module descriptor file (kmodule.xml) for your project. When you define KIE bases and KIE sessions in the kmodule.xml file, you can specify certain attributes and values to further customize your KIE session configuration.

Example KIE session configuration in a kmodule.xml file

    <ksession name="KSession2_1" type="stateless" default="true" clockType="realtime">

The following are the ksession attributes and values supported in the KIE module descriptor file (kmodule.xml) for your project:

Table 3.2. KIE session attributes supported in KIE modules

AttributeSupported valuesDescription


Any name

Defines the name that retrieves KieSession from KieContainer. This attribute is mandatory.


stateful, stateless

Default: stateful

Determines whether data is retained (stateful) or discarded (stateless) between invocations of the KIE session. A session set to stateful enables you to iteratively work with the working memory, while a session set to stateless is typically used for one-off execution of assets. A stateless session stores a knowledge state that is changed every time a new fact is added, updated, or deleted, and every time a rule is executed. An execution in a stateless session has no information about previous actions, such rule executions.


true, false

Default: false

Determines whether a KIE session is the default session for a module so that it can be created from the KIE container without passing any name. Each module can have only one default KIE session.


realtime, pseudo

Default: realtime

Determines whether event time stamps are assigned by the system clock or by a pseudo clock controlled by the application. This clock is especially useful for unit testing on temporal rules.


simple, jtms, defeasible

Default: simple

Defines the type of belief system used by the KIE session. A belief system deduces the truth from knowledge (facts). For example, if a new fact is inserted based on another fact which is later removed from the decision engine, the system can determine that the newly inserted fact should be removed as well.

3.2. Packaging and deploying a Red Hat Decision Manager project in Maven

If you want to deploy a Maven project outside of Decision Central to a configured Decision Server, you can edit the project pom.xml file to package your project as a KJAR file and add a kmodule.xml file with the KIE base and KIE session configurations for the assets in your project.



  1. In the pom.xml file of your Maven project, set the packaging type to kjar and add the kie-maven-plugin build component:


    The kjar packaging type activates the kie-maven-plugin component to validate and pre-compile artifact resources. The <version> is the Maven artifact version for Red Hat Decision Manager currently used in your project (for example, 7.11.0.Final-redhat-00002). These settings are required to properly package the Maven project for deployment.


    Instead of specifying a Red Hat Decision Manager <version> for individual dependencies, consider adding the Red Hat Business Automation bill of materials (BOM) dependency to your project pom.xml file. The Red Hat Business Automation BOM applies to both Red Hat Decision Manager and Red Hat Process Automation Manager. When you add the BOM files, the correct versions of transitive dependencies from the provided Maven repositories are included in the project.

    Example BOM dependency:


    For more information about the Red Hat Business Automation BOM, see What is the mapping between Red Hat Decision Manager and the Maven library version?.

  2. Add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file to generate an executable rule model from your rule assets:

    • drools-canonical-model: Enables an executable canonical representation of a rule set model that is independent from Red Hat Decision Manager
    • drools-model-compiler: Compiles the executable model into Red Hat Decision Manager internal data structures so that it can be executed by the decision engine

    Executable rule models are embeddable models that provide a Java-based representation of a rule set for execution at build time. The executable model is a more efficient alternative to the standard asset packaging in Red Hat Decision Manager and enables KIE containers and KIE bases to be created more quickly, especially when you have large lists of DRL (Drools Rule Language) files and other Red Hat Decision Manager assets.

    For more information about executable rule models, see "Executable rule models" in Designing a decision service using DRL rules.

  3. In the ~/resources directory of your Maven project, create a META-INF/kmodule.xml metadata file with at least the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <kmodule xmlns="">

    This kmodule.xml file is a KIE module descriptor that is required for all Red Hat Decision Manager projects. You can use the KIE module to define one or more KIE bases and one or more KIE sessions from each KIE base.

    For more information about kmodule.xml configuration, see Section 3.1, “Configuring a KIE module descriptor file”.

  4. In the relevant resource in your Maven project, configure a .java class to create a KIE container and a KIE session to load the KIE base:

    import org.kie.api.KieServices;
    import org.kie.api.runtime.KieContainer;
    import org.kie.api.runtime.KieSession;
    public void testApp() {
      // Load the KIE base:
      KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
      KieContainer kContainer = ks.getKieClasspathContainer();
      KieSession kSession = kContainer.newKieSession();

    In this example, the KIE container reads the files to be built from the class path for a testApp project. The KieServices API enables you to access all KIE building and runtime configurations.

    You can also create the KIE container by passing the project ReleaseId to the KieServices API. The ReleaseId is generated from the GroupId, ArtifactId, and Version (GAV) values in the project pom.xml file.

    import org.kie.api.KieServices;
    import org.kie.api.runtime.KieContainer;
    import org.kie.api.runtime.KieSession;
    public void testApp() {
      // Identify the project in the local repository:
      ReleaseId rid = new ReleaseId();
      // Load the KIE base:
      KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
      KieContainer kContainer = ks.newKieContainer(rid);
      KieSession kSession = kContainer.newKieSession();
  5. In a command terminal, navigate to your Maven project directory and run the following command to build the project from an executable model:

    mvn clean install -DgenerateModel=<VALUE>

    The -DgenerateModel=<VALUE> property enables the project to be built as a model-based KJAR instead of a DRL-based KJAR, so that rule assets are built in an executable rule model.

    Replace <VALUE> with one of three values:

    • YES: Generates the executable model corresponding to the DRL files in the original project and excludes the DRL files from the generated KJAR.
    • WITHDRL: Generates the executable model corresponding to the DRL files in the original project and also adds the DRL files to the generated KJAR for documentation purposes (the KIE base is built from the executable model regardless).
    • NO: Does not generate the executable model.

    Example build command:

    mvn clean install -DgenerateModel=YES

    If the build fails, address any problems described in the command line error messages and try again to validate the files until the build is successful.

  6. After you successfully build and test the project locally, deploy the project to the remote Maven repository:

    mvn deploy

3.3. Packaging and deploying a Red Hat Decision Manager project in a Java application

If you want to deploy a project from within your own Java application to a configured Decision Server, you can use a KieModuleModel instance to programatically create a kmodule.xml file that defines the KIE base and a KIE session, and then add all resources in your project to the KIE virtual file system KieFileSystem.



  1. In your client application, add the following dependencies to the relevant classpath of your Java project to generate an executable rule model from your rule assets:

    • drools-canonical-model: Enables an executable canonical representation of a rule set model that is independent from Red Hat Decision Manager
    • drools-model-compiler: Compiles the executable model into Red Hat Decision Manager internal data structures so that it can be executed by the decision engine

    Executable rule models are embeddable models that provide a Java-based representation of a rule set for execution at build time. The executable model is a more efficient alternative to the standard asset packaging in Red Hat Decision Manager and enables KIE containers and KIE bases to be created more quickly, especially when you have large lists of DRL (Drools Rule Language) files and other Red Hat Decision Manager assets.

    For more information about executable rule models, see "Executable rule models" in Designing a decision service using DRL rules.

    The <version> is the Maven artifact version for Red Hat Decision Manager currently used in your project (for example, 7.11.0.Final-redhat-00002).


    Instead of specifying a Red Hat Decision Manager <version> for individual dependencies, consider adding the Red Hat Business Automation bill of materials (BOM) dependency to your project pom.xml file. The Red Hat Business Automation BOM applies to both Red Hat Decision Manager and Red Hat Process Automation Manager. When you add the BOM files, the correct versions of transitive dependencies from the provided Maven repositories are included in the project.

    Example BOM dependency:


    For more information about the Red Hat Business Automation BOM, see What is the mapping between Red Hat Decision Manager and the Maven library version?.

  2. Use the KieServices API to create a KieModuleModel instance with the desired KIE base and KIE session. The KieServices API enables you to access all KIE building and runtime configurations. The KieModuleModel instance generates the kmodule.xml file for your project.

    For more information about kmodule.xml configuration, see Section 3.1, “Configuring a KIE module descriptor file”.

  3. Convert your KieModuleModel instance into XML and add the XML to KieFileSystem.

    Creating kmodule.xml programmatically and adding it to KieFileSystem

    import org.kie.api.KieServices;
    import org.kie.api.builder.model.KieModuleModel;
    import org.kie.api.builder.model.KieBaseModel;
    import org.kie.api.builder.model.KieSessionModel;
    import org.kie.api.builder.KieFileSystem;
      KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get();
      KieModuleModel kieModuleModel = kieServices.newKieModuleModel();
      KieBaseModel kieBaseModel1 = kieModuleModel.newKieBaseModel("KBase1")
      KieSessionModel ksessionModel1 = kieBaseModel1.newKieSessionModel("KSession1")
      KieFileSystem kfs = kieServices.newKieFileSystem();

  4. Add any remaining Red Hat Decision Manager assets that you use in your project to your KieFileSystem instance. The artifacts must be in a Maven project file structure.

    import org.kie.api.builder.KieFileSystem;
      KieFileSystem kfs = ...
      kfs.write("src/main/resources/KBase1/ruleSet1.drl", stringContainingAValidDRL)

    In this example, the project assets are added both as a String variable and as a Resource instance. You can create the Resource instance using the KieResources factory, also provided by the KieServices instance. The KieResources class provides factory methods to convert InputStream, URL, and File objects, or a String representing a path of your file system to a Resource instance that the KieFileSystem can manage.

    You can also explicitly assign a ResourceType property to a Resource object when you add project artifacts to KieFileSystem:

    import org.kie.api.builder.KieFileSystem;
      KieFileSystem kfs = ...
  5. Use KieBuilder with buildAll( ExecutableModelProject.class ) specified to build the content of KieFileSystem from an executable model, and create a KIE container to deploy it:

    import org.kie.api.KieServices;
    import org.kie.api.KieServices.Factory;
    import org.kie.api.builder.KieFileSystem;
    import org.kie.api.builder.KieBuilder;
    import org.kie.api.runtime.KieContainer;
      KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get();
      KieFileSystem kfs = ...
      KieBuilder kieBuilder = ks.newKieBuilder( kfs );
      // Build from an executable model
      kieBuilder.buildAll( ExecutableModelProject.class )
      assertEquals(0, kieBuilder.getResults().getMessages(Message.Level.ERROR).size());
      KieContainer kieContainer = kieServices

    After KieFileSystem is built from the executable model, the resulting KieSession uses constraints based on lambda expressions instead of less-efficient mvel expressions. To build the project in the standard method without an executable model, do not specify any argument in buildAll().

    A build ERROR indicates that the project compilation failed, no KieModule was produced, and nothing was added to the KieRepository singleton. A WARNING or an INFO result indicates that the compilation of the project was successful, with information about the build process.

3.4. Starting a service in Decision Server

If you have deployed Red Hat Decision Manager assets from a Maven or Java project outside of Decision Central, you use a Decision Server REST API call to start the KIE container (deployment unit) and the services in it. You can use the Decision Server REST API to start services regardless of your deployment type, including deployment from Decision Central, but projects deployed from Decision Central either are started automatically or can be started within the Decision Central interface.


Decision Server is installed and kie-server user access is configured. For installation options, see Planning a Red Hat Decision Manager installation.


In your command terminal, run the following API request to load a service into a KIE container in the Decision Server and to start it:

$ curl --user "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"container-id" : "<containerID>","release-id" : {"group-id" : "<groupID>","artifact-id" : "<artifactID>","version" : "<version>"}}' http://<serverhost>:<serverport>/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/<containerID>

Replace the following values:

  • <username>, <password>: The user name and password of a user with the kie-server role.
  • <containerID>: The identifier for the KIE container (deployment unit). You can use any random identifier but it must be the same in both places in the command (the URL and the data).
  • <groupID>, <artifactID>, <version>: The project GAV values.
  • <serverhost>: The host name for the Decision Server, or localhost if you are running the command on the same host as the Decision Server.
  • <serverport>: The port number for the Decision Server.


curl --user "rhdmAdmin:password@1" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"container-id" : "kie1","release-id" : {"group-id" : "org.kie.server.testing","artifact-id" : "container-crud-tests1","version" : "2.1.0.GA"}}' http://localhost:39043/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/kie1

3.5. Stopping and removing a service in Decision Server

If you have started Red Hat Decision Manager services from a Maven or Java project outside of Decision Central, you use a Decision Server REST API call to stop and remove the KIE container (deployment unit) containing the services. You can use the Decision Server REST API to stop services regardless of your deployment type, including deployment from Decision Central, but services from Decision Central can also be stopped within the Decision Central interface.


Decision Server is installed and kie-server user access is configured. For installation options, see Planning a Red Hat Decision Manager installation.


In your command terminal, run the following API request to stop and remove a KIE container with services on Decision Server:

$ curl --user "<username>:<password>" -X DELETE http://<serverhost>:<serverport>/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/<containerID>

Replace the following values:

  • <username>, <password>: The user name and password of a user with the kie-server role.
  • <containerID>: The identifier for the KIE container (deployment unit). You can use any random identifier but it must be the same in both places in the command (the URL and the data).
  • <serverhost>: The host name for the Decision Server, or localhost if you are running the command on the same host as the Decision Server.
  • <serverport>: The port number for the Decision Server.


curl --user "rhdmAdmin:password@1" -X DELETE http://localhost:39043/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/kie1