Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat AMQ

Chapter 1. Overview

AMQ Console is a web console included in the AMQ Broker installation that enables you to use a web browser to manage AMQ Broker and AMQ Interconnect.

AMQ Console is based on hawtio.

1.1. Key Features

  • Monitor your AMQ brokers, routers, and clients

    • View the topology
    • View network health at a glance
  • Manage AMQ brokers and routers

1.2. Key Concepts

AMQ Broker and AMQ Interconnect ship with hawtio, which is a modular web console for managing Java applications. They also include plug-ins for the broker and router.

1.3. Supported Configurations

The supported web browsers for AMQ Console are Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. For specific browser versions supported see AMQ 7 Supported Configurations.

1.4. Document Conventions

This document uses the following conventions for the sudo command and file paths.

The sudo Command

In this document, sudo is used for any command that requires root privileges. You should always exercise caution when using sudo, as any changes can affect the entire system.

For more information about using sudo, see The sudo Command.

About the Use of File Paths in this Document

In this document, all file paths are valid for Linux, UNIX, and similar operating systems (for example, /home/...). If you are using Microsoft Windows, you should use the equivalent Microsoft Windows paths (for example, C:\Users\...).