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A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Satellite

3.5. Automating Satellite Database Backups

Backup tasks can be automated so that they occur in non-peak times, such as the late evening or early morning. This also ensures they are performed regularly, and are not forgotten. The most effective way to automate backups is using cron.

Procedure 3.6. To Automate Satellite Server Database Backups:

Create a new file called containing the following script. This script will stop the satellite, perform a database backup, and restart the satellite:
/usr/sbin/rhn-satellite stop
d=db-backup-$(date "+%F");
mkdir -p /tmp/$d;
db-control backup /tmp/$d
/usr/sbin/rhn-satellite start
} &> /dev/null
  1. Create a new file called containing the following script. This script will use rsync to move the backup files to a directory to be stored:
    rsync -avz /tmp/db-backup-$(date "+%F") <destination> &> /dev/null
    Replace <destination> with the path to the backup directory.
    Alternatively, use the following script to achieve the same goal:
    scp -r /tmp/db-backup-$(date "+%F") <destination> &> /dev/null
  2. Switch to the root user, and open the crontab file in a text editor:
    # crontab -e


    The crontab file opens in vi by default. To change this behavior, change the EDITOR variable to the name of the text editor you prefer.
  3. Create a suitable job definition to schedule the backup scripts to run:
    0 3 * * *
    0 6 * * *
    This crontab entry will run the backup at 03:00, and transfer the backup files at 06:00. Other options can be included as needed. You can also include a clean up script to remove older backup directories and prevent the backup storage from filling up.
  4. Exit the editor to save the crontab file. The new rules take effect immediately.