Chapter 3. Installing Red Hat Quay on OpenShift


This procedure presents guidance on how to set up a deployment of Red Hat Quay on an OpenShift cluster.

3.1. Prerequisites

Here are are a few things you need to know before you begin the Red Hat Quay on OpenShift deployment:

  • OpenShift cluster: You need a privileged account to an OpenShift cluster on which to deploy the Red Hat Quay. That account must have the ability to create namespaces at the cluster scope.
  • Storage: Ceph Object Gateway (also called RADOS Gateway) provides the object storage needed by Red Hat Quay. If you want your Red Hat Quay setup to do geo-replication, Ceph Object Gateway or other supported object storage is required. For cloud installations, you can use any of the following cloud object storage:

    • Amazon S3 (see S3 IAM Bucket Policy for details on configuring an S3 bucket policy for Quay)
    • Azure Blob Storage
    • Google Cloud Storage
    • Ceph Object Gateway
    • OpenStack Swift
    • CloudFront + S3

    Storage setup is not part of this procedure. However, you can create Ceph cloud storage using steps from the Set up Ceph section of the high availability Red Hat Quay deployment guide.

  • Services: Because you are deploying to an OpenShift cluster, instead of to bare metal or virtual machines, you simply need to make sure that your cluster has enough capacity to run the following containerized services:

    • Database: Either Postgres or MySQL can be used to provide the database service. Postgres was chosen here as the database because it includes the features needed to support Clair security scanning.


      You can substitute your own enterprise-quality database if you choose. The Postgres database illustrated here is not, itself, configured for high availability.

    • Proxy server: The haproxy server is used in this example, to distribute access to the Quay, Redis, and storage services. However, you can use any proxy service that works for your environment.
    • Key-value database: Redis is used to serve non-critical data to your Red Hat Quay configuration.
    • Quay: The Quay service provides the features to manage the Quay registry.