Chapter 2. Monitoring architecture

Monitoring tools use a client-server model with the client deployed onto the Red Hat OpenStack Platform overcloud nodes. The Rsyslog service provides client-side centralized logging (CL) and the collectd with enabled sensubility plugin provides client-side availability monitoring (AM).

2.1. Centralized logging

In your Red Hat OpenStack environment, collecting the logs from all services in one central location simplifies debugging and administration. These logs come from the operating system, such as syslog and audit log files, infrastructure components such as RabbitMQ and MariaDB, and OpenStack services such as Identity, Compute, and others.

The centralized logging toolchain consists of the following components:

  • Log Collection Agent (Rsyslog)
  • Data Store (Elasticsearch)
  • API/Presentation Layer (Kibana)

Red Hat OpenStack Platform director does not deploy the server-side components for centralized logging. Red Hat does not support the server-side components, including the Elasticsearch database and Kibana.

2.2. Availability monitoring

With availability monitoring, you have one central place to monitor the high-level functionality of all components across your entire OpenStack environment.

The availability monitoring toolchain consists of several components:

  • Monitoring Agent (collectd with enabled sensubility plugin)
  • Monitoring Relay/Proxy (RabbitMQ)
  • Monitoring Controller/Server (Sensu server)
  • API/Presentation Layer (Uchiwa)

Red Hat OpenStack Platform director does not deploy the server-side components for availability monitoring. Red Hat does not support the server-side components, including Uchiwa, Sensu Server, the Sensu API plus RabbitMQ, and a Redis instance running on a monitoring node.

The availability monitoring components and their interactions are laid out in the following diagrams:


Items shown in blue denote Red Hat-supported components.

Figure 2.1. Availability monitoring architecture at a high level

Availability monitoring architecture at a high level

Figure 2.2. Single-node deployment for Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Single-node deployment for Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Figure 2.3. HA deployment for Red Hat OpenStack Platform

High Availability deployment for Red Hat OpenStack Platform