Chapter 3. NFV Command Cheatsheet

This chapter contains many of the most commonly used commands for Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13 system observability.


Some of the commands below may not be available by default. To install the required tools for a given node, run the following command:
sudo yum install tuna qemu-kvm-tools perf kernel-tools dmidecode

3.1. UNIX Sockets

Use these commands to show process ports and UNIX socket domains.


Show all TCP and UDP SOCKETS in all states (LISTEN, ESTABLISHED, CLOSE_WAIT, etc) without hostname lookup

# lsof -ni

Show all TCP SOCKETS in all states (LISTEN, ESTABLISHED, CLOSE_WAIT, etc) without hostname lookup

# lsof -nit

Show all UDP SOCKETS in all states (LISTEN, ESTABLISHED, CLOSE_WAIT, etc) without hostname lookup

# lsof -niu

Show all TCP and UDP SOCKETS in all states (LISTEN, ESTABLISHED, CLOSE_WAIT, etc) without hostname lookup for IPv4

# lsof -ni4

Show all TCP and UDP SOCKETS in all states (LISTEN, ESTABLISHED, CLOSE_WAIT, etc) without hostname lookup for IPv6

# lsof -ni6

Show all related SOCKETS (LISTEN, ESTABLISHED, CLOSE_WAIT, etc) without hostname lookup for a given port

# lsof -ni :4789

Show all SOCKETS in LISTEN state without hostname lookup

# ss -ln

Show all SOCKETS in LISTEN state without hostname lookup for IPv4

# ss -ln4

Show all SOCKETS in LISTEN state without hostname lookup for IPv6

# ss -ln6

3.2. IP

Use these commands to show IP L2 and L3 configs, drivers, PCI busses, and network statistics.


Show all L2 (both physical and virtual) interfaces and their statistics

# ip -s link show

Show all L3 interfaces and their statistics

# ip -s addr show

Show default (main) IP routing table

# ip route show

Show routing rules of a given routing table

# ip route show table external

Show all routing tables

# ip rule show

Show routing rules for a given destination

# ip route get

Show all Linux namespaces

# ip netns show

Log in into a Linux namespace

# ip netns exec ns0 bash

Show detailed network interface counters of a given interface

# tail /sys/class/net/ens6/statistics/*

Show detailed bonding information of a given bond device

# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond1

Show global network interface counter view

# cat /proc/net/dev

Show physical connection type (TP, FIBER etc), link speed mode supported and connected for a given network interface

# ethtool ens6

Show Linux driver, driver version, firmware, and PCIe BUS ID of a given network interface

# ethtool -i ens6

Show default, enabled, and disabled hardware offloads for a given network interface

# ethtool -k ens6

Show MQ (multiqueue) configuration for a given network interface

# ethtool -l ens6

Change MQ setup for both RX and TX for a given network interface

# ethtool -L ens6 combined 8

Change MQ setup only for TX for a given network interface

# ethtool -L ens6 tx 8

Show queue size for a given network interface

# ethtool -g ens6

Change RX queue size for a given network interface

# ethtool -G ens6 rx 4096

Show enhanced network statistics

# cat /proc/net/softnet_stat

Show quick important network device info (Interface name, MAC, NUMA, PCIe slot, firmware, kernel driver)

# biosdevname -d

Show kernel internal drop counters. For more information, see: Monitoring network data processing.

# cat /proc/net/softnet_stat

3.3. OVS

Use these commands to show Open vSwitch related information.


OVS DPDK human readable statistics

See Open vSwitch DPDK Statistics.

Show OVS basic info (version, dpdk enabled, PMD cores, lcore, ODL bridge mapping, balancing, auto-balancing etc)

# ovs-vsctl list Open_vSwitch

Show OVS global switching view

# ovs-vsctl show

Show OVS all detailed interfaces

# ovs-vsctl list interface

Show OVS details for one interface (link speed, MAC, status, stats, etc)

# ovs-vsctl list interface dpdk0

Show OVS counters for a given interface

# ovs-vsctl get interface dpdk0 statistics

Show OVS all detailed ports

# ovs-vsctl list port

Show OVS details for one port (link speed, MAC, status, stats, etc)

# ovs-vsctl list port vhu3gf0442-00

Show OVS details for one bridge (datapath type, multicast snooping, stp status etc)

# ovs-vsctl list bridge br-int

Show OVS log status

# ovs-appctl vlog/list

Change all OVS log to debug

# ovs-appctl vlog/set dbg

Change one specific OVS subsystem to debug mode for the file log output

# ovs-appctl vlog/set file:backtrace:dbg

Disable all OVS logs

# ovs-appctl vlog/set off

Change all OVS subsystems to debug for file log output only

# ovs-appctl vlog/set file:dbg

Show all OVS advanced commands

# ovs-appctl list-commands

Show all OVS bonds

# ovs-appctl bond/list

Show details about a specific OVS bond (status, bond mode, forwarding mode, LACP status, bond members, bond member status, link status)

# ovs-appctl bond/show bond1

Show advanced LACP information for members, bond and partner switch

# ovs-appctl lacp/show

Show OVS interface counters

# ovs-appctl dpctl/show -s

Show OVS interface counters highlighting differences between iterations

# watch -d -n1 "ovs-appctl dpctl/show -s|grep -A4 -E '(dpdk|dpdkvhostuser)'|grep -v '\-\-'"

Show OVS mempool info for a given port

# ovs-appctl netdev-dpdk/get-mempool-info dpdk0

Show PMD performance statistics

# ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show

Show PMD performance statistics in a consistent way

# ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-clear && sleep 60s && ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show

Show DPDK interface statistics human readable

# ovs-vsctl get interface dpdk0 statistics|sed -e "s/,/\n/g" -e "s/[\",\{,\}, ]//g" -e "s/=/ =⇒ /g"

Show OVS mapping between ports/queue and PMD threads

# ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show

Trigger OVS PMD rebalance (based on PMD cycles utilization)

# ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-rebalance

Create affinity between an OVS port and a specific PMD (disabling the PMD from any balancing)

# ovs-vsctl set interface dpdk other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity="0:2,1:4"

(OVS 2.11+ and FDP18.09) Set PMD balancing based on cycles

# ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . other_config:pmd-rxq-assign=cycles

(OVS 2.11+ and FDP18.09) Set PMD balancing in round robin

# ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . other_config:pmd-rxq-assign=roundrobin

Set number of OVS-DPDK Physical ports queues

# ovs-vsctl set interface dpdk options:n_rxq=2

Set number of OVS-DPDK Physical ports queue sizes

# ovs-vsctl set Interface dpdk0 options:n_rxq_desc=4096

# ovs-vsctl set Interface dpdk0 options:n_txq_desc=4096

Show OVS MAC address table (used for action=normal)

# ovs-appctl fdb/show br-provider

Set OVS vSwitch MAC Address table aging time (default 300s)

# ovs-vsctl set bridge br-provider other_config:mac-aging-time=900

Set OVS vSwitch MAC Address table size (default 2048s)

# ovs-vsctl set bridge br-provider other_config:mac-table-size=204800

Show OVS datapath flows (kernel space)

# ovs-dpctl dump-flows -m

Show OVS datapath flows (dpdk)

# ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows -m br-provider

Show mapping between datapath flows port number and port name

# ovs-dpctl show

Show OVS OpenFlow rules in a given bridge

# ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-provider

Show mapping between OpenFlow flows port number and port name

# ovs-ofctl show br-provider

(OVS 2.11+) - Enable auto-rebalance

# ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . other_config:pmd-auto-lb="true"

(OVS 2.11+) - Change auto-rebalance interval to a different value (default 1 minute)

# ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . other_config:pmd-auto-lb-rebalance-intvl="5"

Detailed OVS internal configs

# man ovs-vswitchd.conf.db

To download OVS tcpdump

# curl -O -L

To perform a packet capture from a DPDK interface

# --db-sock unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock -i <bond/vhu> <tcpdump standard arguments such as -v -nn -e -w <path/to/file>>

(OVS 2.10+) Detailed PMD performance stats

# ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-perf-show

3.4. IRQ

Use these commands to show Interrupt Request Line (IRQ) software and hardware interrupts.


Show SoftIRQ balancing per CPU executed by the ksoftirqd workers

# cat /proc/softirqs | less -S

Show SoftIRQ balancing per CPU executed by the ksoftirqd workers every second

# watch -n1 -d -t "cat /proc/softirqs"

Show hardware and software interrupts (NMI, LOC, TLB, RSE, PIN, NPI, PIW) balancing per CPU

# cat /proc/interrupts | less -S

Show hardware and software interrupts (NMI, LOC, TLB, RSE, PIN, NPI, PIW) balancing per CPU every second

# watch -n1 -d -t "cat /proc/interrupts"

Show Timer interrupts

# cat /proc/interrupts | grep -E "LOC|CPU" | less -S

Show Timer interrupts every second

# watch -n1 -d -t "cat /proc/interrupts | grep -E 'LOC|CPU'"

Show default IRQ CPU affinity

# cat /proc/irq/default_smp_affinity

Show IRQ affinity for a given IRQ (CPUMask)

# cat /proc/irq/89/smp_affinity

Show IRQ affinity for a given IRQ (DEC)

# cat /proc/irq/89/smp_affinity_list

Set IRQ affinity for a given IRQ (CPUMask)

# echo -n 1000 > /proc/irq/89/smp_affinity

Set IRQ affinity for a given IRQ (DEC)

# echo -n 12 > /proc/irq/89/smp_affinity_list

Show hardware interrupts CPU affinity

# tuna --show_irqs

Set IRQ affinity for a given IRQ (DEC supporting range, e.g. 0-4 means from 0 to 4)

# tuna --irqs=<IRQ> --cpus=<CPU> --move

Show IRQ CPU utilization distribution

# mpstat -I CPU | less -S

Show IRQ CPU utilization distribution for a given CPU

# mpstat -I CPU -P 4 | less -S

Show SoftIRQ CPU utilization distribution

# mpstat -I SCPU | less -S

Show SoftIRQ CPU utilization distribution for a given CPU

# mpstat -I SCPU -P 4 | less -S

3.5. Processes

Use these commands to show processes and threads in Linux, Process Scheduler, and CPU Affinity.


Show for a given process name distribution CPU usage and CPU affinity including all process threads

# pidstat -p $(pidof qemu-kvm) -t

Show for a given process name distribution CPU usage and CPU affinity including all process threads, every 10 seconds for 30 iterations

# pidstat -p $(pidof qemu-kvm) -t 10 30

Show for a given process name page faults and memory utilization including all process threads

# pidstat -p $(pidof qemu-kvm) -t -r

Show for a given process name I/O statistics including all process threads

# pidstat -p $(pidof qemu-kvm) -t -d

Show for a given process name its PID, all the child PID(s) including the process name, and the CPU Time

# ps -T -C qemu-kvm

Show for a given process and all the child PID(s) real-time performance statistics

# top -H -p $(pidof qemu-kvm)

Show all system threads with process scheduler type, priority, command, CPU Affinity, and Context Switching information

# tuna --show_threads

Set for a given PID RealTime (FIFO) scheduling with highest priority

# tuna --threads=<PID> --priority=FIFO:99

Show PMD and CPU threads rescheduling activities

# watch -n1 -d "grep -E 'pmd|CPU' /proc/sched_debug"

Browser scheduler internal operation statistics

# less /proc/sched_debug

Show comprehensive process statistics and affinity view:

  1. Open top and then press "zbEEH".
  2. Press "f" and look for "P = Last Used Cpu (SMP)".
  3. Select it using "arrow right".
  4. Move it up before CPU Usage using "arrow up".
  5. De-select it using "arrow left".
  6. Enable it using "d".
  7. Sort by CPU number using "<".

# top

Show all system processes and their CPU affinity

# ps -eF

Show all system processes displaying sleeping and running processes and, when sleeping, at which function

# ps -elfL

Show CPU Affinity for a given PID

# taskset --pid $(pidof qemu-kvm)

Set a CPU Affinity for a given PID

# taskset --pid --cpu-list 0-9,20-29 $(pidof <Process>)

3.6. KVM

Use these commands to show Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) related domain statistics.


Show real-time KVM hypervisor statistics (VMExit, VMEntry, vCPU wakeup, context switching, timer, Halt Pool, vIRQ)

# kvm_stat

Show deep KVM hypervisor statistics

# kvm_stat --once

Show real-time KVM hypervisor statistics for a given guest (VMExit, VMEntry, vCPU wakeup, context switching, timer, Halt Pool, vIRQ)

# kvm_stat --guest=<VM name>

Show deep KVM hypervisor statistics for a given guest

# kvm_stat --once --guest=<VM name>

Show KVM profiling trap statistics

# perf kvm stat live

Show KVM profiling statistics

# perf kvm top

Show vCPU Pinning for a given VM

# virsh vcpupin <Domain name/ID>

Show QEMU Emulator Thread for a given VM

# virsh emulatorpin <Domain name/ID>

Show NUMA Pinning for a given VM

# virsh numatune <Domain name/ID>

Show memory statistics for a given VM

# virsh dommemstat <Domain name/ID>

Show vCPU statistics for a given VM

# virsh nodecpustats <Domain name/ID>

Show all vNIC for a given VM

# virsh domiflist <Domain name/ID>

Show vNIC statistics for a given VM (does not work with DPDK VHU)

# virsh domifstat <Domain name/ID> <vNIC>

Show all vDisk for a given VM

# virsh domblklist <Domain name/ID>

Show vDisk statistics for a given VM

# virsh domblkstat <Domain name/ID> <vDisk>

Show all statistics for a given VM

# virsh domstats <Domain name/ID>

3.7. CPU

Use these commands to show CPU utilization, process CPU distribution, frequency, and SMI.


Show for a given process name distribution CPU usage and CPU affinity including all process threads

# pidstat -p $(pidof qemu-kvm) -t

Show virtual memory, I/O, and CPU statistics

# vmstat 1

Show detailed CPU usage aggregated

# mpstat

Show detailed CPU usage distribution

# mpstat -P ALL

Show detailed CPU usage distribution for a given CPU (it does not support a range)

# mpstat -P 2,3,4,5

Show detailed CPU usage distribution for a given CPU every 10 seconds for 30 iteration

# mpstat -P 2,3,4,5 10 30

Show hardware limits and frequency policy for a given CPU frequency

# cpupower -c 24 frequency-info

Show current CPU frequency information

# cpupower -c all frequency-info|grep -E "current CPU frequency|analyzing CPU"

Show frequency and CPU % C-States stats for all CPU(s)

# cpupower monitor

Show real-time frequency and CPU % C-States stats for all CPUs highlighting any variation

# watch -n1 -d "cpupower monitor"

Show more detailed frequency and CPU % C-States stats for all CPU including SMI (useful for RT)

# turbostat --interval 1

Show more detailed frequency and CPU % C-States stats for a given CPU including SMI (useful for RT)

# turbostat --interval 1 --cpu 4

Show CPU details and ISA supported

# lscpu

Specific for Intel CPU:

Display very low-level details about CPU Usage, CPU IPC, CPU Execution in %, L3 and L2 Cache Hit, Miss, Miss per instruction, Temperature, Memory channel usage, and QPI/UPI Usage

git clone Processor Counter Monitor make ./pcm.x"

3.8. NUMA

Use these commands to show Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) statistics and process distribution.


Show hardware NUMA topology

# numactl -H

Show NUMA statistics

# numastat -n

Show meminfo like system-wide memory usage

# numastat -m

Show NUMA memory details and balancing for a given process name

# numastat qemu-kvm

Show for a given NUMA node specific statistics

# /sys/devices/system/node/node<NUMA node number>/numastat

Show in a very clear why NUMA topology with NUMA nodes and PCI devices

# lstopo --physical

Generate an graph (svg format) of the physical NUMA topology with related devices

# lstopo --physical --output-format svg > topology.svg

3.9. Memory

Use these commands to show memory statistics, huge pages, DPC, physical DIMM, and frequency.


Show meminfo like system-wide memory usage

# numastat -m

Show virtual memory, I/O, and CPU statistics

# vmstat 1

Show global memory information

# cat /proc/meminfo

Show the total number of 2MB huge pages for a given NUMA node

# /sys/devices/system/node/node<NUMA node number>/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages

Show the total number of 1GB huge pages for a given NUMA node

# /sys/devices/system/node/node<NUMA node number>/hugepages/hugepages-1048576kB/nr_hugepages

Show the total free 2MB huge pages for a given NUMA node

# /sys/devices/system/node/node<NUMA node number>/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/free_hugepages

Show the total free 1GB huge pages for a given NUMA node

# /sys/devices/system/node/node<NUMA node number>/hugepages/hugepages-1048576kB/free_hugepages

Allocate 100x 2MB huge pages in real-time to NUMA0 (NUMA node can be changed)

# echo 100 > /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages

Allocate 100x 1GB huge pages in real-time to NUMA0 (NUMA node can be changed)

# echo 100 > /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-1048576kB/nr_hugepages

Show real-time SLAB information

# slabtop

Show detailed SLAB information

# cat /proc/slabinfo

Show total installed memory DIMM

# dmidecode -t memory | grep Locator

Show installed memory DIMM Speed

# dmidecode -t memory | grep Speed

3.10. PCI

Use these commands to show PCI statistics, PCI details, and PCI driver override.


Show detailed PCI device information in system

# lspci -vvvnn

Show PCI tree view

# lspci -vnnt

Show PCI device NUMA information

# lspci -vmm

Show PCIe max link speed for a given device

# lspci -s 81:00.0 -vv | grep LnkCap

Show PCIe link speed status for a given device

# lspci -s 81:00.0 -vv | grep LnkSta

Show PCI device and kernel driver

# driverctl list-devices

Show PCI device driver override (typical for DPDK and SR-IOV interfaces)

# driverctl list-overrides

Set different kernel driver for PCI device (reboot persistent)

# driverctl set-override 0000:81:00.0 vfio-pci

Unset overridden kernel driver for PCI device (if device is in use the command will hang)

# driverctl unset-override 0000:81:00.0

3.11. Tuned

Use these commands to show tuned profiles, verification, and logs.


Show tuned current enabled profile and description

# tuned-adm profile_info

Show tuned available profiles and current enabled profiles

# tuned-adm list

Enabled a specific tuned profile

# tuned-adm profile realtime-virtual-host

Verify current enabled profile

# tuned-adm verify

Tuned’s log

# less /var/log/tuned/tuned.log

3.12. Profiling Process

Use these commands to show CPU profiling, process profiling, and KVM profiling.



Profiling on specific PID

# perf record -F 99 -p PID


Profiling on specific PID for 30 seconds

# perf record -F 99 -p PID sleep 30


Profiling real-time on specific PID

# perf top -F 99 -p PID


Profiling on specific CPU Core list for 30 seconds for any events

# perf record -F 99 -g -C <CPU Core(s)> — sleep 30s


Profiling real-time on specific CPU Core list for any events

# perf top -F 99 -g -C <CPU Core(s)>

Context Switching

Profiling on specific CPU Core list for 30 seconds and looking only for Context Switching

# perf record -F 99 -g -e sched:sched_switch -C <CPU Core(s)> — sleep 30


Profiling KVM guest for a given time

# perf kvm stat record sleep 30s


Profiling on specific CPU Core list for 5 seconds looking for the cache efficiency

# perf stat -C <CPU Core(s)> -B -e cache-references,cache-misses,cycles,instructions,branches,faults,migrations sleep 5


Analyze perf profiling

# perf report


Report perf profiling in stdout

# perf report --stdio


Report KVM profiling in stdout

# perf kvm stat report

3.13. Block I/O

Use these commands to show storage I/O distribution and I/O profiling.


Show I/O details for all system device

# iostat

Show advanced I/O details for all system device

# iostat -x

Show advanced I/O details for all system device every 10 seconds for 30 iterations

# iostat -x 10 30

Generate advanced I/O profiling for a given block device

# blktrace -d /dev/sda -w 10 && blkparse -i sda.* -d sda.bin

Report blktrace profiling

# btt -i sda.bin

3.14. Real Time

Use these commands to show Real Time tests related, SMI, and latency.


Identify if any SMI are blocking the normal RT kernel execution exercising the defined threshold.

# hwlatdetect --duration=3600 --threshold=25

Verify maximum scheduling latency for a given time with a number of additional options:

Specify a time value for the test run.
Lock current and future memory allocations.
Set the priority of the first thread.
Use clock_nanosleep instead of posix interval timers.
Set the base interval of the thread(s) in microseconds.
Dump latency histogram to stdout after the run.
Dump the latency histogram to <path> instead of stdout.
Set the number of test threads.
Standard NUMA testing.
Suppress tracing.

# cyclictest --duration=3600 \

--mlockall \

--priority=99 \

--nanosleep \

--interval=200 \

--histogram=5000 \

--histfile=./output \

--threads \

--numa \


3.15. Security

Use these commands to verify speculative executions and the GRUB boot parameter.


Check all current Speculative execution security status

See: Spectre & Meltdown vulnerability/mitigation checker for Linux & BSD.

GRUB parameter to disable all Speculative Execution remediation

spectre_v2=off spec_store_bypass_disable=off pti=off l1tf=off kvm-intel.vmentry_l1d_flush=never

Verify CVE-2017-5753 (Spectre variant 1) status

# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v1

Verify IBPB and Retpoline (CVE-2017-5715 Spectre variant 2) status

# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v2

Verify KPTI (CVE-2017-5754 Meltdown) status

# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/meltdown

Verify Spectre-NG (CVE-2018-3639 Spectre Variant 4) status

# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spec_store_bypass

Verify Foreshadow (CVE-2018-3615 Spectre Varian 5 also known as L1TF) status

# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/l1tf

Verify Foreshadow VMEntry L1 cache effect

# cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/vmentry_l1d_flush

Verify SMT status

# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control

3.16. Juniper Contrail vRouter

Use these commands to show vRouter VIF, MPLS, Nexthost, VRF, VRF’s routes, flows, and dump information.


vRouter Kernel space human readable statistics

See: Display Contrail vRouter statistics.

vRouter DPDK human readable statistics

See: Display Contrail vRouter statistics.

To perform a packet capture from a DPDK interface (do not use grep after vifdump)

# vifdump vif0/234 <tcpdump standard arguments such as -v -nn -e -w <path/to/file>>

Display all vRouter interfaces and sub-interfaces statistics and details

# vif --list

Display vRouter statistics and details for a given interface

# vif --list --get 234

Display vRouter packer rate for all interfaces and sub-interfaces

# vif --list --rate

Display vRouter packer rate for a given interfaces

# vif --list --rate --get 234

Display vRouter packet drop statistics for a given interface

# vif --list --get 234 --get-drop-stats

Display vRouter flows

# flow -l

Display real-time vRouter flow actions

# flow -r

Display vRouter packet statistics for a given VRF (you can find VRF number from vif --list)

# vrfstats --get 0

Display vRouter packet statistics for all VRF

# vrfstats --dump

Display vRouter routing table for a given VRF (you can find the VRF number from vif --list)

# rt --dump 0

Display vRouter IPv4 routing table for a given VRF (you can find the VRF number from vif --list)

# rt --dump 0 --family inet

Display vRouter IPv6 routing table for a given VRF (you can find the VRF number from vif --list)

# rt --dump 0 --family inet6

Display vRouter forwarding table for a given VRF (you can find the VRF number from vif --list)

# rt --dump 0 --family bridge

Display vRouter route target in a given VRF for a given address

# rt --get --vrf 0 --family inet

Display vRouter drop statistics

# dropstats

Display vRouter drop statistics for a given DPDK core

# dropstats --core 11

Display vRouter MPLS labels

# mpls --dump

Display vRouter nexthop for a given one (can be found from mpls --dump output)

# nh --get 21

Display all vRouter nexthops

# nh --list

Display all vRouter VXLAN VNID

# vxlan --dump

Display vRouter agents (supervisor, xmmp connection, vrouter agent etc) status

# contrail-status

Restart vRouter (and all Contrail local compute node components)

# systemctl restart supervisor-vrouter

For more information on Juniper Contrail vRouter CLI utilitlies, see the following documentation:

3.17. Containers

These are some of the commonly-used Docker and Podman commands for containers.

ActionDocker RHEL7Podman RHEL8

Display all running containers

# docker ps

# podman ps

Display all containers (running, stopped etc)

# docker ps -a

# podman ps -a

Display all containers (running, stopped etc) without output truncated

# docker ps -a --no-trunc

# podman ps -a --no-trunc

Display all containers (running, stopped etc) json output

# docker ps --format '{{ json .}}' | jq -C '.' s|# podman ps -a --format json

jq -C '.'

Display container process tree for a given container

# docker top <container ID>

# podman pod top <container ID>

Display real-time containers resource utilization (CPU, Memory, I/O, Net) - TOP-like

# docker stats

# podman stats

Display real-time resource utilization for a given container (CPU, Memory, I/O, Net) - TOP-like

# docker stats <container ID>

# podman stats <container ID>

Log in to a given running container

# docker exec -it <container ID> /bin/bash

# podman exec -it <container ID> /bin/bash

Log in to a given running container as root user

# docker exec -u root -it <container ID> /bin/bash

# podman exec -u root -it <container ID> /bin/bash

Display port mapping in a given container

# docker port <container ID>

# podman port <container ID>

Display all locally stored images with name, ID, and tag

# docker image ls

# docker images"

# podman image ls

# podman images"

Display history for a given image

# docker history <image id>

# podman history <image id>

Display low-level configuration for a given container

# docker inspect <container ID>

# podman inspect <container ID>

Display all volumes for a given container

# docker inspect -f "{{ .Mounts }}" <container ID>

# podman inspect -f "{{ .Mounts }}" <container ID>

Restart all containers with the same pattern

# docker ps -q --filter "name=swift" | xargs -n1 docker restart

# podman ps -q --filter "name=swift" | xargs -n1 docker restart

For more information on docker or podman, see the following documentation:

3.18. OpenStack

Use these OpenStack commands to show VM compute nodes.


Show list of all VMs on their compute nodes sorted by compute nodes

$ nova list --fields name,OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host --sort host

Show list of all VMs on their compute nodes sorted by vm name

$ nova list --fields name,OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host