22.3. .NET Binding for the C++ Messaging API Class: Address

Table 22.3. .NET Binding for the C++ Messaging API Class: Address

.NET Binding Class: Address
Language Syntax
C++ class Address
.NET public ref class Address
C++ Address();
.NET public Address();
C++ Address(const std::string& address);
.NET public Address(string address);
C++ Address(const std::string& name, const std::string& subject, const qpid::types::Variant::Map& options, const std::string& type = "");
.NET public Address(string name, string subject, Dictionary<string, object> options);
.NET public Address(string name, string subject, Dictionary<string, object> options, string type);
Copy constructor
C++ Address(const Address& address);
.NET public Address(Address address);
C++ ~Address();
.NET ~Address();
C++ not applicable
.NET !Address();
Copy assignment operator
C++ Address& operator=(const Address&);
.NET public Address op_Assign(Address rhs);
Property: Name
C++ const std::string& getName() const;
C++ void setName(const std::string&);
.NET public string Name { get; set; }
Property: Subject
C++ const std::string& getSubject() const;
C++ void setSubject(const std::string&);
.NET public string Subject { get; set; }
Property: Options
C++ const qpid::types::Variant::Map& getOptions() const;
C++ qpid::types::Variant::Map& getOptions();
C++ void setOptions(const qpid::types::Variant::Map&);
.NET public Dictionary<string, object> Options { get; set; }
Property: Type
C++ std::string getType() const;
C++ void setType(const std::string&);
.NET public string Type { get; set; }
C++ std::string str() const;
.NET public string ToStr();
C++ operator bool() const;
.NET not applicable
C++ bool operator !() const;
.NET not applicable