15.7. The (Transactional) CarMart Quickstart Using JBoss EAP

This CarMart Transactional quickstart requires JBoss Data Grid's Library mode with the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform container.
All required libraries (jar files) are bundled with the application and deployed to the server. Caches are configured programmatically and run in the same JVM as the web application.
All operations are transactional and are configured at JBossASCacheContainerProvider/TomcatCacheContainerProvider implementation classes for the CacheContainerProvider interface.

15.7.1. Quickstart Prerequisites

The prerequisites for this quickstart are as follows:

15.7.2. Build and Deploy the Transactional CarMart Quickstart


Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before building and deploying the CarMart quickstart.

  1. Start JBoss Enterprise Application Platform:
    1. In a command line terminal, navigate to the root of the JBoss EAP server directory.
    2. Use one of the following commands to start the server with a web profile:
      For Linux:
      For Windows:

Procedure 15.13. Build and Deploy the Transactional Quickstart

  1. Open a command line and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
  2. Enter the following command to build and deploy the archive:
    mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
  3. The target/jboss-carmart-tx.war file is deployed to the running instance of the server.

15.7.3. View the Transactional CarMart Quickstart

The following procedure outlines how to view the CarMart quickstart:

The CarMart quickstart must be built and deployed to be viewed.

Procedure 15.14. View the CarMart Quickstart

  • To view the application, use your browser to navigate to the following link:

15.7.4. Undeploy The Transactional CarMart Quickstart

Undeploy the transactional CarMart quickstart as follows:
  1. In a command line terminal, navigate to the root directory of the quickstart.
  2. Undeploy the archive as follows:
    mvn wildfly:undeploy

15.7.5. Test the Transactional CarMart Quickstart

The JBoss Data Grid quickstarts include Arquillian Selenium tests. To run these tests:
  1. Stop JBoss EAP, if it is running.
  2. In a command line terminal, navigate to root directory for the quickstart.
  3. Build the quickstarts as follows:
    mvn clean package
  4. Run the tests as follows:
    mvn test -Puitests-eap -Das7home=/path/to/server