Chapter 5. Monitoring and managing upgrade of the storage cluster

After running the ceph orch upgrade start command to upgrade the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, you can check the status, pause, resume, or stop the upgrade process. The health of the cluster changes to HEALTH_WARNING during an upgrade. If the host of the cluster is offline, the upgrade is paused.


You have to upgrade one daemon type after the other. If a daemon cannot be upgraded, the upgrade is paused.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root-level access to all the nodes.
  • At least two Ceph Manager nodes in the storage cluster: one active and one standby.
  • Upgrade for the storage cluster initiated.


  1. Determine whether an upgrade is in process and the version to which the cluster is upgrading:


    [ceph: root@node0 /]# ceph orch upgrade status


    You do not get a message once the upgrade is successful. Run ceph versions and ceph orch ps commands to verify the new image ID and the version of the storage cluster.

  2. Optional: Pause the upgrade process:


    [ceph: root@node0 /]# ceph orch upgrade pause

  3. Optional: Resume a paused upgrade process:


    [ceph: root@node0 /]# ceph orch upgrade resume

  4. Optional: Stop the upgrade process:


    [ceph: root@node0 /]# ceph orch upgrade stop