Chapter 7. RHBA-2015:0220 - OpenShift Enterprise 2.2.4 Bug Fix and Enhancement Update

OpenShift Enterprise 2.2.4 is now available with updates to packages that fix several bugs and introduce a feature enhancement. See the errata advisory at for more information.


See the OpenShift Enterprise 2.2 Release Notes for instructions on how to apply this asynchronous errata update.
This update addresses the following bug fixes and enhancements:


Gear UUID validation errors prevented gear upgrades when using predictable UUIDs, causing gear upgrades to fail due to UUID validation rules. This bug fix updates UUID validation rules to account for predictable UUIDs. As a result, gears using predictable UUIDs are now upgraded properly.
The oo-accept-broker command did not test DNS using absolute domain names, for example those ending in ".". Under certain DNS configurations, this issue could produce incorrect test results. This bug fix updates the oo-accept-broker command to now test for absolute domain names, avoiding problems associated with relative DNS search results. As a result, the oo-accept-broker command's DNS tests are now more accurate.
RPM packaging did not ghost log files properly. Removing the broker, node, or console packages would remove log files. This bug fix updates RPM packaging to ensure that log files are not removed when the packages are removed. As a result, log files are preserved when removing broker, node, or console packages.
The required routing notifications were not sent when an application deployment was rolled back. This issue meant HA routing tier nginx configurations could be left in a broken state. This bug fix ensures that the required routing notifications are now sent when an application deployment is rolled back. As a result, application deployment roll backs now safely remove nginx configuration items.
A bug in the HA routing daemon prevented certificates from being copied to F5 BIG-IP LTM hosts. This bug fix updates the routing daemon to properly copy certificates to BIG-IP LTM hosts.
RPM packaging did not properly mark the /var/www/openshift/broker/httpd/broker.conf and /var/www/openshift/broker/httpd/httpd.conf files as configuration files. As a result, these files were overwritten on broker upgrades, losing local changes. This bug fix updates RPM packaging to now mark these files as a configuration files. If an administrator has modified the contents of these files, those changes are preserved in files suffixed with ".rpmsave". However, Red Hat advises against modifying these files.
The "oo-admin-ctl-routing delete-alias" command did not delete SSL certificates, and alias certificates were not removed when deleting an alias as a result. This bug fix updates the command to now remove alias certificates, and this issue no longer occurs as a result.


Zend OPcache is now enabled by the PHP 5.4 cartridge by default. This enhancement significantly improves PHP execution time by storing compiled PHP bytecode in memory. As a result, PHP applications now execute more quickly and the PHP OPcache can consume up to 1/8th of the gear memory. This can be adjusted using the OPENSHIFT_PHP_OPCACHE_MEMORY_CONSUMPTION setting.
A bug in environment variable parsing led to JBoss EAP and JBoss EWS server.xml files being removed when environment variables contained white space. This issue caused Tomcat to fail to start up. This bug fix updates environment variable handling to handle white space properly. As a result, environment variables with white space no longer break JBoss EAP and JBoss EWS applications.
The Perl cartridge would not deploy when a module was included in an application that was neither pre-installed nor in CPAN. This issue caused Perl applications with local modules to not deploy properly. This bug fix updates the Perl cartridge to warn when a requested module is not pre-installed or available from CPAN. As a result, applications with local modules deploy properly if the module is provided in the application repository.
Configuration templates did not account for the max_prepared_transactions PostgreSQL setting, which caused the setting to not be set when using the OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_MAX_PREPARED_TRANSACTIONS environment variable. This bug fix updates configuration templates to ensure the PostgreSQL configuration matches the environment variable. As a result, if the environment variable is set, the PostgreSQL configuration honors that value at restart. If the environment variable is not set, the value is zero.
Previously, the JBoss EAP cartridge incorrectly removed the Maven settings.xml file during a "force clean build". This bug fix updates the JBoss EAP cartridge to no longer remove this file during a "force clean build", and the Maven configuration is no longer lost as a result.
The PHP cartridge attempts to update PHP Pear channels on application deployment. This issue caused nodes that could not reach PHP Pear channels to fail to deploy PHP applications. This bug fix ensures that PHP Pear channel updates are no longer treated as critical errors blocking deployment, and nodes that cannot reach PHP Pear channels now deploy PHP applications as expected.


The yum-plugin-priorities package available in the OpenShift Enterprise Node and Infrastructure channels was out of date compared to other yum-utils packages. This bug fix updates the yum-plugin-priorities package, and the package is now in sync with other yum-utils packages.

Administration Console

The Administration Console was not capable of displaying multiple applications with the same alias. This bug fix updates the Administration Console to display all applications with the same alias. As a result, applications with the same alias are now displayed properly.


The oo-last-access command created a table of known gears to assess by looking for entries that looked like gear UUIDs in the /var/lib/openshift directory. However, gears with UUIDs created with the USE_PREDICTABLE_GEAR_UUIDS="true" setting were not added to the table, and their log entries were therefore not counted. This issue caused the idler to count these gears as idle, despite recent activity, and stop them. This bug fix updates the logic for populating the table of gears to now include all gears. As a result, web access prevents gears from idling as intended.
HA applications erroneously created front end entries for the application FQDN. This issue caused the oo-accept-node command to fail and entries to not be cleaned up on application deletion. This bug fix ensures that, rather than creating a front end entry, an alias is now created to the second HA front end. As a result, the oo-accept-node command no longer fails and there is no need to clean up additional front end entries on application deletion.
If a downloaded cartridge used the same name as a cartridge in the node repository, the oo-accept-node command did not properly validate downloaded cartridges. Because of this issue, downloaded cartridges could not be added to Jenkins servers if the name matched a cartridge in the repository. This bug fix updates the oo-accept-node command to inspect the installed cartridge rather than the cartridge from the repository. As a result, downloaded cartridges are now configured properly for Jenkins installation.
The disable_auto_scaling marker does not take effect until the HAProxy has been restarted, meaning auto-scaling is not actually disabled until the HAProxy gear has been restarted. To avoid confusion for users, this bug fix adds a notice which is provided to users when pushing the disable_auto_scaling marker. As a result, users are now advised that they must restart their HAProxy gear to properly disable auto-scaling using a marker.
A bug in UUID validation prevented gears using predictable UUIDs from being relocated from non-districted nodes to districted nodes. This issue meant that gears using predictable UUIDs did not properly relocate. This bug fix updates UUID validation to account for predictable UUID logic, and as a result gears using predictable UUIDs can now be relocated from non-districted nodes to districted nodes.
Because node hosts require several tuning changes in order to achieve best performance,	a tuned profile called "openshift-node" is now available. This enhancement allows administrators to apply baseline tuning requirements by installing the tuned-profiles-openshift-node package on node hosts.