3.5.10. Reference of Management CLI Commands


The topic Section 3.5.5, “Obtain Help with the Management CLI” describes how to access the Management CLI help features, including a help dialogue with general and context sensitive options. The help commands are dependent on the operation context and require an established connection to either a standalone or domain controller. These commands will not appear in the listing unless the connection has been established.

Table 3.3. 

Command Description
batch Starts the batch mode by creating a new batch or, depending on the existing held back batches, re-activates one. If there are no held back batches this command invoked w/o arguments will start a new batch. If there is an unnamed held back batch, this command will re-activate it. If there are named held back batches, they can be activated by executing this command with the name of the held back batch as the argument.
cd Changes the current node path to the argument. The current node path is used as the address for operation requests that do not contain the address part. If an operation request does include the address, the included address is considered relative to the current node path. The current node path may end on a node-type. In that case, to execute an operation specifying a node-name would be sufficient, such as logging:read-resource.
clear Clears the screen.
command Allows you to add new, remove and list existing generic type commands. A generic type command is a command that is assigned to a specific node type and which allows you to perform any operation available for an instance of that type. It can also modify any of the properties exposed by the type on any existing instance.
connect Connects to the controller on the specified host and port.
connection-factory Defines a connection factory.
data-source Manages JDBC datasource configurations in the datasource subsystem.
deploy Deploys the application designated by the file path or enables an application that is pre-existing but disabled in the repository. If executed without arguments, this command will list all the existing deployments.
help Displays the help message. Can be used with the --commands argument to provide context sensitive results for the given commands.
history Displays the CLI command history in memory and displays a status of whether the history expansion is enabled or disabled. Can be used with arguments to clear, disable and enable the history expansion as required.
jms-queue Defines a JMS queue in the messaging subsystem.
jms-topic Defines a JMS topic in the messaging subsystem.
ls List the contents of the node path. By default the result is printed in columns using the whole width of the terminal. Using the -l switch will print results on one name per line.
pwd Prints the full node path of the current working node.
quit Terminates the command line interface.
read-attribute Prints the value and, depending on the arguments, the description of the attribute of a managed resource.
read-operation Displays the description of a specified operation, or lists all available operations if none is specified.
undeploy Undeploys an application when run with the name of the intended application. Can be run with arguments to remove the application from the repository also. Prints the list of all existing deployments when executed without an application specified.
version Prints the application server version and environment information.
xa-data-source Manages JDBC XA datasource configuration in the datasource subsystem.