Chapter 4. XA specific management

Each XA Xid that JBoss Transaction Service creates needs a unique node identifier encoded within it. JBoss Transaction Service can only recover transactions and states that match a specified node identifier, which is passed to JBoss Transaction Service via the com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.xa.nodeIdentifier property. This value must be unique across all your JBoss Transaction Service instances. If no value is given, JBoss Transaction Service will generate one and report the value via the logging infrastructure.

4.1. XA Recovery

When running XA recovery, JBoss Transaction Service must be told which types of Xid it can recover. The node identifier to use should be provided to JBoss Transaction Service in a property that starts with the name com.arjuna.ats.jta.xaRecoveryNode. You can pass multiple values. A value of * forces JBoss Transaction Service to recover (and possibly rollback) all transactions, regardless of their node identifier. Use this option with extreme caution.
More information about recovery can be found in the Failure and Recovery chapter.