19.5. Columns

Columns are the children of worksheets and the parents of cells, images, formulas and hyperlinks. They control the iteration of the worksheet data. See Section 19.14.5, “Column settings” for formatting.
  • none
Child elements
  • header — This facet can/will contain one <e:cell>, <e:formula>, <e:image> or <e:hyperLink>, which will be used as header for the column.
  • footer — This facet can/will contain one <e:cell>, <e:formula>, <e:image> or <e:hyperLink>, which will be used as footer for the column.
    <e:column value="#{personList}" var="person"> 
      <f:facet name="header"> 
        <e:cell value="Last name"/> 
      <e:cell value="#{person.lastName}"/> 
This defines a column with a header and an iterated output.